From 408dc7a29b737545de8d3c9daa6d1fe8d4edac32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Dubner <>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 20:45:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Eliminate the ')' that replaced empty strings; replace it
 with '""'.  Build in _groupvalue= processing

 CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts | 59 ++++++++++++++++---
 CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts       | 10 +++-
 CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts                |  7 ++-
 3 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts
index b122a0f..3f0605f 100644
--- a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts
+++ b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 import { MINode } from "./mi_parse";
+import { CodeLens } from "vscode";
-const resultRegex = /^([0-9a-zA-Z_\-][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]*|\[\d+\])\s*=\s*/;  // Dubner added \/ so that a COBOL A of B could be represented A/b
-const variableRegex = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_\-][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]*/;  			   // Dubner added \/ so that a COBOL A of B could be represented A/b
+const resultRegex = /^([0-9a-zA-Z_\-][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]*|\[\d+\])\s*=\s*/;  // Dubner added \/ so that a COBOL 'A of B 'could be represented 'A/b'
+const variableRegex = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_\-][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]*/;  			   // Dubner added \/ so that a COBOL 'A of B' could be represented 'A/b'
 const errorRegex = /^\<.+?\>/;
 const referenceStringRegex = /^(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\s*)"/;
 const referenceRegex = /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/;
@@ -29,6 +30,20 @@ export function isExpandable(value: string): number {
 	else return 0;
+function GetImmediateGroupValue(str:string) : string {
+		var retval:string = "";
+		const find_me:string = "{_groupvalue=\"";
+		var nfound:number = str.indexOf(find_me);
+		if( nfound == 0 ) {
+			nfound += find_me.length;
+			while( nfound < str.length && str[nfound] != '"' ) {
+				retval += str[nfound];
+				nfound += 1;
+			}
+		}
+		return retval;
+	};
 export function expandValue(variableCreate: Function, value: string, root: string = "", extra: any = undefined): any {
 	const parseCString = () => {
 		value = value.trim();
@@ -56,13 +71,16 @@ export function expandValue(variableCreate: Function, value: string, root: strin
 	const stack = [root];
+	const stack_of_groupvalues = [root];
 	let parseValue, parseCommaResult, parseCommaValue, parseResult, createValue;
 	let variable = "";
+	let recent_
 	const getNamespace = (variable) => {
 		let namespace = "";
 		let prefix = "";
+		stack_of_groupvalues.push("");
 		stack.forEach(name => {
 			prefix = "";
 			if (name != "") {
@@ -81,6 +99,7 @@ export function expandValue(variableCreate: Function, value: string, root: strin
+		stack_of_groupvalues.pop();
 		return prefix + namespace;
@@ -110,18 +129,23 @@ export function expandValue(variableCreate: Function, value: string, root: strin
 		if (newValPos != -1 && eqPos > newValPos || eqPos == -1) { // is value list
 			const values = [];
+			stack_of_groupvalues.push("");
 			let val = parseValue();
+			stack_of_groupvalues.pop();
 			values.push(createValue("[0]", val));
 			const remaining = value;
 			let i = 0;
 			while (true) {
 				stack.push("[" + (++i) + "]");
+				stack_of_groupvalues.push("")
 				if (!(val = parseCommaValue())) {
+					stack_of_groupvalues.pop();
+				stack_of_groupvalues.pop();
 				values.push(createValue("[" + i + "]", val));
 			value = value.substr(1).trim(); // }
@@ -130,10 +154,19 @@ export function expandValue(variableCreate: Function, value: string, root: strin
 		let result = parseResult(true);
 		if (result) {
+			// Dubner added this _groupvalue hack.  It is a pseudo-variable that
+			// doesn't appear in the locals list, but rather replaces the word
+			// 'Group' in a heirarchical variable listing.  This code prevents
+			// it from appearing as a variable in the list
 			const results = [];
-			results.push(result);
-			while (result = parseCommaResult(true))
+			if(result["name"] != "_groupvalue"){
+			}
+			while (result = parseCommaResult(true)){
+				if(result["name"] != "_groupvalue"){
+					results.push(result);
+				}
+			}
 			value = value.substr(1).trim(); // }
 			return results;
@@ -201,19 +234,29 @@ export function expandValue(variableCreate: Function, value: string, root: strin
 			return undefined;
 		value = value.substr(variableMatch[0].length).trim();
 		const name = variable = variableMatch[1];
-		if (pushToStack)
+		if (pushToStack){
+			var groupvalue:string = GetImmediateGroupValue(value);
+			stack_of_groupvalues.push(groupvalue);
+		}
 		const val = parseValue();
-		if (pushToStack)
+		if (pushToStack){
-		return createValue(name, val);
+		}
+		var retval = createValue(name, val);
+		if (pushToStack){
+			stack_of_groupvalues.pop();
+		}
+		return retval
 	createValue = (name, val) => {
 		let ref = 0;
 		if (typeof val == "object") {
 			ref = variableCreate(val);
-			val = "Object";
+			//val = "Objecttt";		// This is the original code
+			val = stack_of_groupvalues[stack_of_groupvalues.length-1];
 		} else if (typeof val == "string" && val.startsWith("*0x")) {
 			if (extra && MINode.valueOf(extra, "arg") == "1") {
 				ref = variableCreate(getNamespace("*(" + name), { arg: true });
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts
index e01374e..3db8a10 100644
--- a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts
+++ b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts
@@ -417,7 +417,15 @@ export class MI2 extends EventEmitter implements IBackend {
 					retval += ch ;
-				//console.log("convert_mi_variables(2): ", retval); // DUBNERDEBUG
+				console.log("convert_mi_variables(2): ", retval); // DUBNERDEBUG
+//				var nfound = retval.indexOf('[');
+//				if(nfound != -1){
+//					var newr = retval.substr(0,nfound)
+//					newr = newr + "[{name=\"L01\",value=\"{_groupvalue=\\\"Snap!\\\",fullname=\\\"RobertDubner\\\",L02={_groupvalue=\\\"Crackle!\\\",firstname = \\\"Robert\\\", lastname = \\\"Dubner\\\",L03={_groupvalue=\\\"Pop!\\\",firstname = \\\"Judy\\\", lastname = \\\"Ruderman\\\"}}}\"}]\n";
+//					console.log("convert_mi_variables(3): ", newr); // DUBNERDEBUG
+//					retval = newr;
+//				}
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts
index 04c4410..515158f 100644
--- a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts
+++ b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts
@@ -421,7 +421,12 @@ export class MI2DebugSession extends DebugSession {
 					} else {
 						if (variable.valueStr !== undefined) {
-							let expanded = expandValue(createVariable, `{${}=${variable.valueStr})`, "", variable.raw);
+							var vstr = variable.valueStr;
+							if(vstr == "") {
+								vstr = '""' ;
+							}
+							console.log("findOrCreateVariable(1)", vstr); //DUBNERDEBUG
+							let expanded = expandValue(createVariable, `{${}=${vstr}`, "", variable.raw);
 							if (expanded) {
 								if (typeof expanded[0] == "string")
 									expanded = [