diff --git a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts
index 3f0605fd88f5c1d41841d57ca5fd872a172e5c21..56324960356fbc1de9fba16a5e80d14d1975ae6e 100644
--- a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts
+++ b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/gdb_expansion.ts
@@ -36,9 +36,25 @@ function GetImmediateGroupValue(str:string) : string {
 		var nfound:number = str.indexOf(find_me);
 		if( nfound == 0 ) {
 			nfound += find_me.length;
-			while( nfound < str.length && str[nfound] != '"' ) {
-				retval += str[nfound];
+			// We need to do a copy, keeping in mind that the possibility exists
+			// of backslashed escape sequences:
+			var escaped = false;
+			while( nfound < str.length ) {
+				let ch = str[nfound];
 				nfound += 1;
+				if( escaped ) {
+					retval += ch;
+					escaped = false;
+					continue;
+				}
+				if( ch == '\\' ){
+					escaped = true;
+					continue;
+				}
+				if( ch == '"' ){
+					break;
+				}
+				retval += ch
 		return retval;
@@ -46,27 +62,37 @@ function GetImmediateGroupValue(str:string) : string {
 export function expandValue(variableCreate: Function, value: string, root: string = "", extra: any = undefined): any {
 	const parseCString = () => {
+		//console.log(`expandValue(1) ${value}`);
 		value = value.trim();
-		if (value[0] != '"' && value[0] != '\'')
+		if (value[0] != '"' && value[0] != '\'') {
+			console.log("   expandValue(2)","returning empty");
 			return "";
+		}
 		let stringEnd = 1;
 		let inString = true;
 		const charStr = value[0];
-		let remaining = value.substr(1);
 		let escaped = false;
-		while (inString) {
-			if (escaped)
+		let str = "";//value[0];
+		while (inString && stringEnd < value.length) {
+			if (escaped) {
 				escaped = false;
-			else if (remaining[0] == '\\')
+				str += value[stringEnd];
+			}
+			else if (value[stringEnd] == '\\') {
 				escaped = true;
-			else if (remaining[0] == charStr)
+			}
+			else if (value[stringEnd] == charStr) {
+				//str += value[stringEnd];
 				inString = false;
-			remaining = remaining.substr(1);
+			}
+			else {
+				str += value[stringEnd];
+			}
-		const str = value.substr(0, stringEnd).trim();
+		str = str.trim();
 		value = value.substr(stringEnd).trim();
+		//console.log(`   expandValue(3): ${str} (${value})`);
 		return str;
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts
index 3db8a103165068727d68cf367639b806ed078eac..a0c24274aa43ae4d7b53805824dc304864573d02 100644
--- a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts
+++ b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/backend/mi2/mi2.ts
@@ -417,15 +417,40 @@ export class MI2 extends EventEmitter implements IBackend {
 					retval += ch ;
-				console.log("convert_mi_variables(2): ", retval); // DUBNERDEBUG
+				// The reader should be aware that the retval here is based very much on the output
+				// of GDB, in machine=interface mode, to a '-stack-list-variables --all-values' command.
+				//
+				// If a variable's contents require a backslash, the text string must be '\\' at that point.
+				// Likewise, '\"' is necessary to produce a single double-quote character.
+				//
+				// The following statement provides visibility to GDB-Python response
+				// to a 'print/m ?' command
+				//console.log("convert_mi_variables(2): ", retval); // DUBNERDEBUG
+				// The following statements allow for the injection of a hardcoded simulated "response"
+				// to such a command.  Figuring out how to format the response wasn't easy.  Nor was the
+				// process of debugging the public-domain debugger extension code so that it worked properly;
+				// this hard-coded injection proved very useful.
+				//
 //				var nfound = retval.indexOf('[');
 //				if(nfound != -1){
 //					var newr = retval.substr(0,nfound)
 //					newr = newr + "[{name=\"L01\",value=\"{_groupvalue=\\\"Snap!\\\",fullname=\\\"RobertDubner\\\",L02={_groupvalue=\\\"Crackle!\\\",firstname = \\\"Robert\\\", lastname = \\\"Dubner\\\",L03={_groupvalue=\\\"Pop!\\\",firstname = \\\"Judy\\\", lastname = \\\"Ruderman\\\"}}}\"}]\n";
+//					newr = newr + "[{name=\"L00L\",value=\"{_groupvalue=\\\"Sn\\\\\\\"ap!\\\",fullname=\\\"Robert\\\\\\\"Dubner\\\",L02={_groupvalue=\\\"Crackle!\\\",firstname = \\\"Robert\\\", lastname = \\\"\\\\\\\"Dubner\\\\\\\"\\\",L03={_groupvalue=\\\"Pop!\\\",firstname = \\\"Judy\\\", lastname = \\\"Ruderman\\\"}}}\"}]\n";
+//					newr = newr + "[{name=\"L01\",value=\"===\\\">\\\\/<\\\"===\"}]\n"; // Produces ===">\/<"===
+//					newr = newr + "[{name=\"L01\",value=\"\\\"===\\\">\\\\/<\\\"===,===\\\">\\\\/<\\\"===\"}]\n"; // Produces ===">\/<"===
+//					// original newr = newr + "[{name="L00",value="\"Standalone\""},{name="slash1",value="\"***\\\"***\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>"},{name="slash2",value="\"\\\"**\\\"***\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>"},{name="slash3",value="\"***\\\"**\\\"\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>"},{name="slash4",value="\"\\\"**\\\"**\\\"\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>"},{name="slash5",value="\"***\\\"***},{***\\\"***    \""},{name="slash6",value="\"\\\"**\\\"***},{\\\"**\\\"***    \""},{name="slash7",value="\"***\\\"**\\\"{,}***\\\"**\\\"    \""},{name="slash8",value="\"\\\"**\\\"**\\\"{,}\\\"**\\\"**\\\"    \""},{name="L01",value="{fullname = \"RobertDubner\", L02 = {firstname = \"Robert\", lastname = \"Dubner\"}}"},{name="L01_2",value="{fullname = \"JudyRuderman\", L02 = {firstname = \"Judy\", lastname = \"Ruderman\"}}"}]""
+//					newr = newr + "[{name=\"L00\",value=\"\\\"Standalone\\\"\"},{name=\"slash1\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"***\\\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>\"},{name=\"slash2\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***\\\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>\"},{name=\"slash3\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"\\\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>\"},{name=\"slash4\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"\\\", ' ' <repeats 14 times>\"},{name=\"slash5\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"***},{***\\\\\\\"***    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash6\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***},{\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash7\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"{,}***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash8\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"{,}\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"    \\\"\"},{name=\"L01\",value=\"{fullname = \\\"RobertDubner\\\", L02 = {firstname = \\\"Robert\\\", lastname = \\\"Dubner\\\"}}\"},{name=\"L01_2\",value=\"{fullname = \\\"JudyRuderman\\\", L02 = {firstname = \\\"Judy\\\", lastname = \\\"Ruderman\\\"}}\"}]\n";
+// Original :
+// [{name="L00",value="\"Standalone          \""},{name="slash1",value="\"***\\\"***\""},{name="slash2",value="\"\\\"**\\\"***\""},{name="slash3",value="\"***\\\"**\\\"\""},{name="slash4",value="\"\\\"**\\\"**\\\"\""},{name="slash5",value="\"***\\\"***},{***\\\"***    \""},{name="slash6",value="\"\\\"**\\\"***},{\\\"**\\\"***    \""},{name="slash7",value="\"***\\\"**\\\"{,}***\\\"**\\\"    \""},{name="slash8",value="\"\\\"**\\\"**\\\"{,}\\\"**\\\"**\\\"    \""},{name="L01_1",value="{fullname = \"---\\\\^/---\", L02 = {firstname = \"/---\\\\^/---\\\\         \", lastname = \"\\\\---\\\\^/---/         \"}}"},{name="L01_2",value="{fullname = \"\\\\\\\"---\\\"\\\\^/\\\"---/\\\"     \", L02 = {firstname = \"\\\\---\\\"\\\\^/\\\"---/\\\"      \", lastname = \"\\\\\\\"---\\\"\\\\^/\\\"---/\\\"     \"}}"}]
+// With backslashes and double-quotes escaped:
+// newr = newr + "[{name=\"L00\",value=\"\\\"Standalone          \\\"\"},{name=\"slash1\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"***\\\"\"},{name=\"slash2\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***\\\"\"},{name=\"slash3\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"\\\"\"},{name=\"slash4\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"\\\"\"},{name=\"slash5\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"***},{***\\\\\\\"***    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash6\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***},{\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash7\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"{,}***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash8\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"{,}\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"    \\\"\"},{name=\"L01_1\",value=\"{fullname = \\\"---\\\\\\\\^/---\\\", L02 = {firstname = \\\"/---\\\\\\\\^/---\\\\\\\\         \\\", lastname = \\\"\\\\\\\\---\\\\\\\\^/---/         \\\"}}\"},{name=\"L01_2\",value=\"{fullname = \\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"---\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\^/\\\\\\\"---/\\\\\\\"     \\\", L02 = {firstname = \\\"\\\\\\\\---\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\^/\\\\\\\"---/\\\\\\\"      \\\", lastname = \\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"---\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\^/\\\\\\\"---/\\\\\\\"     \\\"}}\"}]\n";
+// Original
+// [{name="L01_1",value="{fullname = \"FULLNAME            \", L02 = {firstname = \"FIRSTNAME           \", lastname = \"LASTNAME            \"}}"},{name="L01_2",value="{fullname = \"FULLNAME2           \", L02 = {firstname = \"FIRSTNAME2          \", lastname = \"LASTNAME2           \"}}"}]
+//newr = newr + "[{name=\"L01_1\",value=\"{fullname = \\\"FULLNAME            \\\", L02 = {firstname = \\\"FIRSTNAME           \\\", lastname = \\\"LASTNAME            \\\"}}\"},{name=\"L01_2\",value=\"{fullname = \\\"FULLNAME2           \\\", L02 = {firstname = \\\"FIRSTNAME2          \\\", lastname = \\\"LASTNAME2           \\\"}}\"}]\n";
+//newr = newr + "[{name=\"L00\",value=\"\\\"Standalone          \\\"\"},{name=\"slash1\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"***\\\"\"},{name=\"slash2\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***\\\"\"},{name=\"slash3\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"\\\"\"},{name=\"slash4\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"\\\"\"},{name=\"slash5\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"***},{***\\\\\\\"***    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash6\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***},{\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"***    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash7\",value=\"\\\"***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"{,}***\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"    \\\"\"},{name=\"slash8\",value=\"\\\"\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"{,}\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"**\\\\\\\"    \\\"\"},{name=\"L01_1\",value=\"{_groupvalue=\\\"He\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"llo\\\",fullname = \\\"---\\\\\\\\^/---\\\", L02 = {_groupvalue=\\\"\\\\\\\"D\\\\\\\\oo\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"med\\\",firstname = \\\"/---\\\\\\\\^/---\\\\\\\\         \\\", lastname = \\\"\\\\\\\\---\\\\\\\\^/---/         \\\"}}\"},{name=\"L01_2\",value=\"{fullname = \\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"---\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\^/\\\\\\\"---/\\\\\\\"     \\\", L02 = {firstname = \\\"\\\\\\\\---\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\^/\\\\\\\"---/\\\\\\\"      \\\", lastname = \\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"---\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\^/\\\\\\\"---/\\\\\\\"     \\\"}}\"}]\n";
+//					retval = newr ;
 //					console.log("convert_mi_variables(3): ", newr); // DUBNERDEBUG
-//					retval = newr;
 //				}
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts
index 515158ff3096b18df37b8a913bacf9e41682d712..da3a898f72b0221a5d402a08f63e81966669e5a6 100644
--- a/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts
+++ b/CblGdbExt/CblGdb/src/mibase.ts
@@ -22,6 +22,27 @@ class ExtendedVariable {
 const STACK_HANDLES_START = 1000;
 const VAR_HANDLES_START = 512 * 256 + 1000;
+function DeEscape(vstr:string) {
+	let retval = "";
+	let i = 0;
+	let escaped = false;
+	while( i<vstr.length ) {
+		let ch = vstr[i];
+		i += 1;
+		if( escaped ) {
+			retval += ch;
+			escaped = false;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if( ch == '\\' ){
+			escaped = true;
+			continue;
+		}
+		retval += ch;
+	}
+	return retval;
 export class MI2DebugSession extends DebugSession {
 	protected variableHandles = new Handles<string | VariableObject | ExtendedVariable>(VAR_HANDLES_START);
 	protected variableHandlesReverse: { [id: string]: number } = {};
@@ -425,7 +446,10 @@ export class MI2DebugSession extends DebugSession {
 							if(vstr == "") {
 								vstr = '""' ;
-							console.log("findOrCreateVariable(1)", vstr); //DUBNERDEBUG
+//							if( vstr && vstr[0] != '{' ){
+//								vstr = DeEscape(vstr) ;
+//							}
+							//console.log("findOrCreateVariable(1)", vstr); //DUBNERDEBUG
 							let expanded = expandValue(createVariable, `{${variable.name}=${vstr}`, "", variable.raw);
 							if (expanded) {
 								if (typeof expanded[0] == "string")
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/.gitignore b/CblGdbExt/samples/.gitignore
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/Makefile b/CblGdbExt/samples/Makefile
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/Makefile.inc b/CblGdbExt/samples/Makefile.inc
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.gitignore b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67ffbc0176598dd4e0001249bcbfc73b8127c8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.vscode/launch.json b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb8d7964c5d31d0e2744444abd289a788d622f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
+    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
+    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
+    "version": "0.2.0",
+    "configurations": [
+        {
+            "name": "Build ${file} with cobc/cobst, debug with debugServer",
+            "type": "node",
+            "request": "launch",
+            "skipFiles": ["<node_internals>/**"],
+            "preLaunchTask": "make",
+            "program": "${workspaceRoot}/rtest",
+            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
+            "arguments": "",
+            "debugServer": 4711
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "cobc/cobst build and debug",
+            "type": "cbl-gdb",
+            "request": "launch",
+            "preLaunchTask": "make",
+            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/rtest",
+            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
+            "arguments": ""
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.vscode/tasks.json b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.vscode/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..076b506703f67dcfb143a6a904a8261b674bb69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+    // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
+    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
+    "version": "2.0.0",
+    "tasks": [
+        {
+            "label": "make",
+            "type": "shell",
+            "command": "make",
+            "group": {
+                "kind": "build",
+                "isDefault": true
+            }            
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/Makefile b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..158b2c0872f331ca6e3af18fc12a278a97590309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include ../Makefile.inc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/rtest.cbl b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/rtest.cbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dea80a691a53877b87a8b19546ef3567dd3cd1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CblGdbExt/samples/ref_test_11/rtest.cbl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+       ID DIVISION.
+        77 slash1 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '***"***'.
+        77 slash2 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '"**"***'.
+        77 slash3 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '***"**"'.
+        77 slash4 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '"**"**"'.
+        77 slash5 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '***"***,***"***'.
+        77 slash6 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '"**"***,"**"***'.
+        77 slash7 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '***"**",***"**"'.
+        77 slash8 PICTURE X(20) VALUE '"**"**","**"**"'.
+        01 standalone PIC X(10) value "standalone".
+        01 bob .
+            02 firstname PIC X(6) value "Robert".
+            02 lastname PIC X(6) value "Dubner".
+            02 placeandyear.
+                03 place PIC X(8) value "Brooklyn".
+                03 year  PIC 9(4) value 1953.
+            02 scrambles .
+                03 scram1 PIC X(9) value "---\^/---".
+                03 scram2 PIC X(9) value "--""\^/""--".
+        01 judy .
+            02 firstname PIC X(4) value "Judy".
+            02 lastname PIC X(8) value "Ruderman".
+            02 placeandyear.
+                03 place PIC X(8) value "Queens".
+                03 year  PIC 9(4) value 1957.
+       display slash1.
+       display slash2.
+       display slash3.
+       display slash4.
+       display slash5.
+       display slash6.
+       display slash7.
+       display slash8.
+       display standalone.
+       display firstname of bob.
+       display lastname of bob.
+       display place of bob.
+       display year of bob.
+       display firstname of judy.
+       display lastname of judy.
+       display place of judy.
+       display year of judy.
+       STOP RUN.