import * as vscode from "vscode";
import * as net from "net";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import * as os from "os";

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
	context.subscriptions.push(vscode.workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider("debugmemory", new MemoryContentProvider()));
	context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand("code-debug.examineMemoryLocation", examineMemory));
	context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand("code-debug.getFileNameNoExt", () => {
		if (!vscode.window.activeTextEditor || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName) {
			vscode.window.showErrorMessage("No editor with valid file name active");
		const fileName = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName;
		const ext = path.extname(fileName);
		return fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - ext.length);
	context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand("code-debug.getFileBasenameNoExt", () => {
		if (!vscode.window.activeTextEditor || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName) {
			vscode.window.showErrorMessage("No editor with valid file name active");
		const fileName = path.basename(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName);
		const ext = path.extname(fileName);
		return fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - ext.length);
	context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand("cbl-gdb.getAttachPID", () => {
		return vscode.window.showInputBox({
		  placeHolder: 'Enter the PID to attach to',
		  value: 'Enter the PID of the process'

const memoryLocationRegex = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/;

function getMemoryRange(range: string) {
	if (!range)
		return undefined;
	range = range.replace(/\s+/g, "").toLowerCase();
	let index;
	if ((index = range.indexOf("+")) != -1) {
		const from = range.substr(0, index);
		let length = range.substr(index + 1);
		if (!memoryLocationRegex.exec(from))
			return undefined;
		if (memoryLocationRegex.exec(length))
			length = parseInt(length.substr(2), 16).toString();
		return "from=" + encodeURIComponent(from) + "&length=" + encodeURIComponent(length);
	} else if ((index = range.indexOf("-")) != -1) {
		const from = range.substr(0, index);
		const to = range.substr(index + 1);
		if (!memoryLocationRegex.exec(from))
			return undefined;
		if (!memoryLocationRegex.exec(to))
			return undefined;
		return "from=" + encodeURIComponent(from) + "&to=" + encodeURIComponent(to);
	} else if (memoryLocationRegex.exec(range))
		return "at=" + encodeURIComponent(range);
	else return undefined;

function examineMemory() {
	const socketlists = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "code-debug-sockets");
	if (!fs.existsSync(socketlists)) {
		if (process.platform == "win32")
			return vscode.window.showErrorMessage("This command is not available on windows");
			return vscode.window.showErrorMessage("No debugging sessions available");
	fs.readdir(socketlists, (err, files) => {
		if (err) {
			if (process.platform == "win32")
				return vscode.window.showErrorMessage("This command is not available on windows");
				return vscode.window.showErrorMessage("No debugging sessions available");
		const pickedFile = (file) => {
			vscode.window.showInputBox({ placeHolder: "Memory Location or Range", validateInput: range => getMemoryRange(range) === undefined ? "Range must either be in format 0xF00-0xF01, 0xF100+32 or 0xABC154" : "" }).then(range => {
				vscode.window.showTextDocument(vscode.Uri.parse("debugmemory://" + file + "#" + getMemoryRange(range)));
		if (files.length == 1)
		else if (files.length > 0)
			vscode.window.showQuickPick(files, { placeHolder: "Running debugging instance" }).then(file => pickedFile(file));
		else if (process.platform == "win32")
			return vscode.window.showErrorMessage("This command is not available on windows");
			vscode.window.showErrorMessage("No debugging sessions available");

class MemoryContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider {
	provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Thenable<string> {
		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			const conn = net.connect(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "code-debug-sockets", uri.authority.toLowerCase()));
			let from, to;
			let highlightAt = -1;
			const splits = uri.fragment.split("&");
			if (splits[0].split("=")[0] == "at") {
				const loc = parseInt(splits[0].split("=")[1].substr(2), 16);
				highlightAt = 64;
				from = Math.max(loc - 64, 0);
				to = Math.max(loc + 768, 0);
			} else if (splits[0].split("=")[0] == "from") {
				from = parseInt(splits[0].split("=")[1].substr(2), 16);
				if (splits[1].split("=")[0] == "to") {
					to = parseInt(splits[1].split("=")[1].substr(2), 16);
				} else if (splits[1].split("=")[0] == "length") {
					to = from + parseInt(splits[1].split("=")[1]);
				} else return reject("Invalid Range");
			} else return reject("Invalid Range");
			if (to < from)
				return reject("Negative Range");
			conn.write("examineMemory " + JSON.stringify([from, to - from + 1]));
			conn.once("data", data => {
				let formattedCode = "                  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07  08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F\n";
				var index: number = from;
				const hexString = data.toString();
				let x = 0;
				let asciiLine = "";
				let byteNo = 0;
				for (let i = 0; i < hexString.length; i += 2) {
					if (x == 0) {
						var addr = index.toString(16);
						while (addr.length < 16) addr = '0' + addr;
						formattedCode += addr + "  ";

					const digit = hexString.substr(i, 2);
					const digitNum = parseInt(digit, 16);
					if (digitNum >= 32 && digitNum <= 126)
						asciiLine += String.fromCharCode(digitNum);
						asciiLine += ".";

					if (highlightAt == byteNo) {
						formattedCode = formattedCode.slice(0, -1) + "[" + digit + "]";
					} else {
						formattedCode += digit + " ";

					if (x == 7)
						formattedCode += " ";

					if (++x >= 16) {
						formattedCode += " " + asciiLine + "\n";
						x = 0;
						asciiLine = "";
				if (x > 0) {
					for (let i = 0; i <= 16 - x; i++) {
						formattedCode += "   ";
					if (x >= 8)
						formattedCode = formattedCode.slice(0, -2);
						formattedCode = formattedCode.slice(0, -1);
					formattedCode += asciiLine;
				resolve(center("Memory Range from 0x" + from.toString(16) + " to 0x" + to.toString(16), 84) + "\n\n" + formattedCode);

function center(str: string, width: number): string {
	var left = true;
	while (str.length < width) {
		if (left) str = ' ' + str;
		else str = str + ' ';
		left = !left;
	return str;