diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog b/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog
index 6182cf774b54fcde71f05d5c2315170414a82303..dafbbd714f06dfdae3eb4e9305df92a0a01407d3 100644
--- a/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog
+++ b/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2020-01-13  Joseph Myers  <joseph@codesourcery.com>
+	* update_version_git: New file.
+	* update_version:svn: Remove.
+	* crontab: Use update_version_git.
 2019-11-20  Janne Blomqvist  <jb@gcc.gnu.org>
 	* gcc_release: Use https for gcc.gnu.org.
diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/crontab b/maintainer-scripts/crontab
index 80a4a4845d58bbbfb09a18d9ef51e64e4ace3d1b..f064d6fb45ebbdfc10ad1a466355db90dc844206 100644
--- a/maintainer-scripts/crontab
+++ b/maintainer-scripts/crontab
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-16  0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_version_svn
+16  0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_version_git
 50  0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_svn
 55  0 * * * sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/update_web_docs_libstdcxx_svn
 32 22 * * 5 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 8:branches/gcc-8-branch -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all
diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/update_version_git b/maintainer-scripts/update_version_git
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1b5f4c9cf97548a787f9c2430663e4db68386ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maintainer-scripts/update_version_git
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Update the current version date in all files in the tree containing
+# it.  Consider all single-component-version release branches except
+# those matching the regular expression in $IGNORE_BRANCHES, and also
+# consider those branches listed in the space separated list in
+# Run this from /tmp.
+export GITROOT
+/bin/rm -rf "$BASEDIR"
+/bin/mkdir "$BASEDIR"
+cd "$BASEDIR"
+# Compute the branches which we should update.
+	   && ${GIT} for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' \
+		     'refs/heads/releases/gcc-*') \
+	  | sed -e 's/refs\/heads\///' \
+          | egrep -v $IGNORE_BRANCHES`
+# Always update the mainline.
+# This is put into the datestamp files.
+CURR_DATE=`/bin/date +"%Y%m%d"`
+# Assume all will go well.
+for BRANCH in $BRANCHES; do
+  echo "Working on \"$BRANCH\"."
+  # Check out the files on the branch.
+  if [ -d "$SUBDIR" ]; then
+    cd "$SUBDIR"
+    ${GIT} pull -q
+    ${GIT} checkout -q "$BRANCH"
+  else
+    ${GIT} clone -q -b "$BRANCH" "$GITROOT" "$SUBDIR"
+  fi
+  # There are no files to commit yet.
+  cd "$SUBDIR"
+  for file in $datestamp_FILES; do
+    if test -f $file; then
+      echo "${CURR_DATE}" > $file.new
+      if /usr/bin/cmp -s $file $file.new; then
+	rm -f $file.new
+      else
+	mv -f $file.new $file
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  if test -n "$COMMIT_FILES"; then
+    for i in $COMMIT_FILES; do
+    echo "Attempting to commit $i"
+    if ${GIT} commit -m "Daily bump." $i; then
+      if ! ${GIT} push origin "$BRANCH"; then
+        # If we could not push the files, indicate failure.
+        RESULT=1
+      fi
+    else
+      # If we could not commit the files, indicate failure.
+      RESULT=1
+    fi
+    done
+  fi
+/bin/rm -rf $BASEDIR
+exit $RESULT
diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/update_version_svn b/maintainer-scripts/update_version_svn
deleted file mode 100755
index dfbaee6e44a9a0748ce60a03c16a6eb63f5d5f88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/maintainer-scripts/update_version_svn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Update the current version date in all files in the tree containing
-# it.  Consider all release branches except those matching the regular
-# expression in $IGNORE_BRANCHES, and also consider those branches listed
-# in the space separated list in $ADD_BRANCHES.
-# Run this from /tmp.
-export SVNROOT
-/bin/rm -rf /tmp/$$
-/bin/mkdir /tmp/$$
-cd /tmp/$$
-# Compute the branches which we should update.
-BRANCHES=`$SVN ls $SVNROOT/branches \
-	  | sed -e 's/\///' \
-          | egrep 'gcc-[0-9]+(_[0-9]+)?-branch$' \
-          | egrep -v $IGNORE_BRANCHES`
-# Always update the mainline.
-# This is put into the datestamp files.
-CURR_DATE=`/bin/date +"%Y%m%d"`
-# Assume all will go well.
-for BRANCH in $BRANCHES; do
-  echo "Working on \"$BRANCH\"."
-  # Check out the files on the branch.  HEAD is in a different namespace.
-  if test "$BRANCH" = HEAD; then 
-    SVNROOT2=${SVNROOT}/trunk
-  else    
-    SVNROOT2=${SVNROOT}/branches/${BRANCH}
-  fi
-  for i in $datestamp_FILES; do
-    ${SVN} -q co -N ${SVNROOT2}/`dirname $i` `basename $i`
-  done
-  # There are no files to commit yet.
-  for file in $datestamp_FILES; do
-    dirname=`basename $file`
-    file=`basename $file`
-    file="$dirname/$file"
-    if test -f $file; then
-      echo ${CURR_DATE} > $file.new
-      if /usr/bin/cmp -s $file $file.new; then
-	rm -f $file.new
-      else
-	mv -f $file.new $file
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-  if test -n "$COMMIT_FILES"; then
-    for i in $COMMIT_FILES; do
-    echo "Attempting to commit $i"
-    if ! ${SVN} commit -m "Daily bump." $i; then
-       # If we could not commit the files, indicate failure.
-       RESULT=1
-     fi
-    done
-  fi
-  # Remove the files.
-  for i in $datestamp_FILES; do
-   rm -rf /tmp/$$/`basename $i`
-  done
-/bin/rm -rf /tmp/$$
-exit $RESULT