From 2cb3d42d3f3e7a5345ee7a6f3676a10c84864d72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cassio Neri <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 11:31:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] libstdc++: Remove UB from month and weekday additions and

The following invoke signed integer overflow (UB) [1]:

  month   + months{MAX} // where MAX is the maximum value of months::rep
  month   + months{MIN} // where MIN is the maximum value of months::rep
  month   - months{MIN} // where MIN is the minimum value of months::rep
  weekday + days  {MAX} // where MAX is the maximum value of days::rep
  weekday - days  {MIN} // where MIN is the minimum value of days::rep

For the additions to MAX, the crux of the problem is that, in libstdc++,
months::rep and days::rep are int64_t. Other implementations use int32_t, cast
operands to int64_t and perform arithmetic operations without risk of

For month + months{MIN}, the implementation follows the Standard's "returns
clause" and evaluates:

   modulo(static_cast<long long>(unsigned{__x}) + (__y.count() - 1), 12);

Overflow occurs when MIN - 1 is evaluated. Casting to a larger type could help
but, unfortunately again, this is not possible for libstdc++.

For the subtraction of MIN, the problem is that -MIN is not representable.

It's fair to say that the intention is for these additions/subtractions to
be performed in modulus (12 or 7) arithmetic so that no overflow is expected.

To fix these UB, this patch implements:

  template <unsigned __d, typename _T>
  unsigned __add_modulo(unsigned __x, _T __y);

  template <unsigned __d, typename _T>
  unsigned __sub_modulo(unsigned __x, _T __y);

which respectively, returns the remainder of Euclidean division of, __x + __y
and __x - __y by __d without overflowing. These functions replace

  constexpr unsigned __modulo(long long __n, unsigned __d);

which also calculates the reminder of __n, where __n is the result of the
addition or subtraction. Hence, these operations might invoke UB before __modulo
is called and thus, __modulo can't do anything to remediate the issue.

In addition to solve the UB issues, __add_modulo and __sub_modulo allow better
codegen (shorter and branchless) on x86-64 and ARM [2].



	* include/std/chrono: Fix + and - for months and weekdays.
	* testsuite/std/time/month/ Add constexpr tests against overflow.
	* testsuite/std/time/month/ New test for extreme values.
	* testsuite/std/time/weekday/ Add constexpr tests against overflow.
	* testsuite/std/time/weekday/ New test for extreme values.
 libstdc++-v3/include/std/chrono              | 79 +++++++++++++-------
 libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/   | 19 +++++
 libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/   | 32 ++++++++
 libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/ | 16 +++-
 libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/ | 32 ++++++++
 5 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/
 create mode 100644 libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/chrono b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/chrono
index b3ad2a0b1acd..a59af34567c7 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/std/chrono
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/std/chrono
     namespace __detail
-      // Compute the remainder of the Euclidean division of __n divided by __d.
-      // Euclidean division truncates toward negative infinity and always
-      // produces a remainder in the range of [0,__d-1] (whereas standard
-      // division truncates toward zero and yields a nonpositive remainder
-      // for negative __n).
+      // Helper to __add_modulo and __sub_modulo.
+      template <unsigned __d, typename _Tp>
+      consteval auto
+      __modulo_offset()
+      {
+	using _Up = make_unsigned_t<_Tp>;
+	auto constexpr __a = _Up(-1) - _Up(255 + __d - 2);
+	auto constexpr __b = _Up(__d * (__a / __d) - 1);
+	// Notice: b <= a - 1 <= _Up(-1) - (255 + d - 1) and b % d = d - 1.
+	return _Up(-1) - __b; // >= 255 + d - 1
+      }
+      // Compute the remainder of the Euclidean division of __x + __y divided by
+      // __d without overflowing.  Typically, __x <= 255 + d - 1 is sum of
+      // weekday/month with a shift in [0, d - 1] and __y is a duration count.
+      template <unsigned __d, typename _Tp>
+      constexpr unsigned
+      __add_modulo(unsigned __x, _Tp __y)
+      {
+	using _Up = make_unsigned_t<_Tp>;
+	// For __y >= 0, _Up(__y) has the same mathematical value as __y and
+	// this function simply returns (__x + _Up(__y)) % d.  Typically, this
+	// doesn't overflow since the range of _Up contains many more positive
+	// values than _Tp's.  For __y < 0, _Up(__y) has a mathematical value in
+	// the upper-half range of _Up so that adding a positive value to it
+	// might overflow.  Moreover, most likely, _Up(__y) != __y mod d.  To
+	// fix both issues we subtract from _Up(__y) an __offset >=
+	// 255 + d - 1 to make room for the addition to __x and shift the modulo
+	// to the correct value.
+	auto const __offset = __y >= 0 ? _Up(0) : __modulo_offset<__d, _Tp>();
+	return (__x + _Up(__y) - __offset) % __d;
+      }
+      // Similar to __add_modulo but for __x - __y.
+      template <unsigned __d, typename _Tp>
       constexpr unsigned
-      __modulo(long long __n, unsigned __d)
+      __sub_modulo(unsigned __x, _Tp __y)
-	if (__n >= 0)
-	  return __n % __d;
-	else
-	  return (__d + (__n % __d)) % __d;
+	using _Up = make_unsigned_t<_Tp>;
+	auto const __offset = __y <= 0 ? _Up(0) : __modulo_offset<__d, _Tp>();
+	return (__x - _Up(__y) - __offset) % __d;
       inline constexpr unsigned __days_per_month[12]
       friend constexpr month
       operator+(const month& __x, const months& __y) noexcept
-	auto __n = static_cast<long long>(unsigned{__x}) + (__y.count() - 1);
-	return month{__detail::__modulo(__n, 12) + 1};
+	// modulo(x + (y - 1), 12) = modulo(x + (y - 1) + 12, 12)
+	//                         = modulo((x + 11) + y    , 12)
+	return month{1 + __detail::__add_modulo<12>(
+	  unsigned{__x} + 11, __y.count())};
       friend constexpr month
       friend constexpr month
       operator-(const month& __x, const months& __y) noexcept
-      { return __x + -__y; }
+      {
+	// modulo(x + (-y - 1), 12) = modulo(x + (-y - 1) + 12, 12)
+	//                          = modulo((x + 11) - y     , 12)
+	return month{1 + __detail::__sub_modulo<12>(
+	  unsigned{__x} + 11, __y.count())};
+      }
       friend constexpr months
       operator-(const month& __x,  const month& __y) noexcept
       static constexpr weekday
       _S_from_days(const days& __d)
-	using _Rep = days::rep;
-	using _URep = make_unsigned_t<_Rep>;
-	const auto __n = __d.count();
-	const auto __m = static_cast<_URep>(__n);
-	// 1970-01-01 (__n =  0, __m = 0        ) -> Thursday (4)
-	// 1969-31-12 (__n = -1, __m = _URep(-1)) -> Wednesday (3)
-	const auto __offset = __n >= 0 ? _URep(4) : 3 - _URep(-1) % 7 - 7;
-	return weekday((__m + __offset) % 7);
+	return weekday{__detail::__add_modulo<7>(4, __d.count())};
       friend constexpr weekday
       operator+(const weekday& __x, const days& __y) noexcept
-	auto __n = static_cast<long long>(__x._M_wd) + __y.count();
-	return weekday{__detail::__modulo(__n, 7)};
+	return weekday{__detail::__add_modulo<7>(__x._M_wd, __y.count())};
       friend constexpr weekday
       friend constexpr weekday
       operator-(const weekday& __x, const days& __y) noexcept
-      { return __x + -__y; }
+      {
+	return weekday{__detail::__sub_modulo<7>(__x._M_wd, __y.count())};
+      }
       friend constexpr days
       operator-(const weekday& __x, const weekday& __y) noexcept
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/
index 0f8ce5564349..0caf0f1f4321 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 // Class template day []
 #include <chrono>
+#include <limits>
 constexpr void
@@ -34,6 +35,24 @@ constexpr_month()
   dm += months{3};
   dm -= months{3};
+  // Test for UB (overflow).
+  {
+    using rep = months::rep;
+    using std::numeric_limits;
+    auto constexpr months_min = months{numeric_limits<rep>::min()};
+    auto constexpr month_000_plus_months_min  = month{ 0 } + months_min;
+    auto constexpr month_255_plus_months_min  = month{255} + months_min;
+    auto constexpr month_000_minus_months_min = month{ 0 } - months_min;
+    auto constexpr month_255_minus_months_min = month{255} - months_min;
+    auto constexpr months_max = months{numeric_limits<rep>::max()};
+    auto constexpr month_000_plus_months_max  = month{ 0 } + months_max;
+    auto constexpr month_255_plus_months_max  = month{255} + months_max;
+    auto constexpr month_000_minus_months_max = month{ 0 } - months_max;
+    auto constexpr month_255_minus_months_max = month{255} - months_max;
+  }
   static_assert(February + months{11} == January);
   static_assert(January + months{1200} == January);
   static_assert(January + months{1201} == February);
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3bcefa60003b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/month/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// { dg-do run { target c++20 } }
+// Class month []
+#include <chrono>
+#include <limits>
+#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
+using namespace std::chrono;
+void test_extreme_values(months extreme)
+  auto const count = extreme.count();
+  auto const safe  = count < 0 ? count + 12 : count;
+  auto const mod   = safe - 12 * ((safe < 0 ? safe - 11 : safe) / 12);
+  for (unsigned m = 0; m < 256; ++m)
+  {
+    auto const month_plus_extreme = month{m} + extreme;
+    VERIFY(unsigned{month_plus_extreme } == (m + 11 + mod) % 12 + 1);
+    auto const month_minus_extreme = month{m} - extreme;
+    VERIFY(unsigned{month_minus_extreme} == (m + 11 - mod) % 12 + 1);
+  }
+int main()
+  test_extreme_values(months{std::numeric_limits<months::rep>::max()});
+  test_extreme_values(months{std::numeric_limits<months::rep>::min()});
+  return 0;
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/
index bb24a36d6dbc..758999d0e243 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/
@@ -42,8 +42,20 @@ constexpr_weekday()
     using rep = days::rep;
     using std::numeric_limits;
-    constexpr weekday max{sys_days{days{numeric_limits<rep>::max()}}};
-    constexpr weekday min{sys_days{days{numeric_limits<rep>::min()}}};
+    auto constexpr days_min = days{numeric_limits<rep>::min()};
+    auto constexpr weekday_from_sysdays_min   = weekday{sys_days{days_min}};
+    auto constexpr weekday_000_plus_days_min  = weekday{ 0 } + days_min;
+    auto constexpr weekday_255_plus_days_min  = weekday{255} + days_min;
+    auto constexpr weekday_000_minus_days_min = weekday{ 0 } - days_min;
+    auto constexpr weekday_255_minus_days_min = weekday{255} - days_min;
+    auto constexpr days_max = days{numeric_limits<rep>::max()};
+    auto constexpr weekday_from_sysdays_max   = weekday{sys_days{days_max}};
+    auto constexpr weekday_000_plus_days_max  = weekday{ 0 } + days_max;
+    auto constexpr weekday_255_plus_days_max  = weekday{255} + days_max;
+    auto constexpr weekday_000_minus_days_max = weekday{ 0 } - days_max;
+    auto constexpr weekday_255_minus_days_max = weekday{255} - days_max;
   static_assert(weekday{sys_days{1900y/January/1}} == Monday);
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..924709321e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/std/time/weekday/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// { dg-do run { target c++20 } }
+// Class weekday []
+#include <chrono>
+#include <limits>
+#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
+using namespace std::chrono;
+void test_extreme_values(days extreme)
+  auto const count = extreme.count();
+  auto const safe  = count < 0 ? count + 7 : count;
+  auto const mod   = safe - 7 * ((safe < 0 ? safe - 6 : safe) / 7);
+  for (unsigned d = 0; d < 254; ++d)
+  {
+    auto const weekday_plus_extreme = weekday{d} + extreme;
+    VERIFY(weekday_plus_extreme.c_encoding()  == (d + mod) % 7);
+    auto const weekday_minus_extreme = weekday{d} - extreme;
+    VERIFY(weekday_minus_extreme.c_encoding() == (d + 7 - mod) % 7);
+  }
+int main()
+  test_extreme_values(days{std::numeric_limits<days::rep>::max()});
+  test_extreme_values(days{std::numeric_limits<days::rep>::min()});
+  return 0;