diff --git a/gcc/cobol/etests/.gitignore b/gcc/cobol/etests/.gitignore
index 305b2f7b405f7dc8e076d070bacf356de4484a70..eaf70718543139a05c603bf6fcd8169d03e82188 100644
--- a/gcc/cobol/etests/.gitignore
+++ b/gcc/cobol/etests/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ under-test.txt
diff --git a/gcc/cobol/genapi.cc b/gcc/cobol/genapi.cc
index d25008bf823837b60283e791e9dc1bf4c4a0ba26..4e4ab7a7b3ba668438d49cf842cb7d65560214c5 100644
--- a/gcc/cobol/genapi.cc
+++ b/gcc/cobol/genapi.cc
@@ -4344,6 +4344,34 @@ parser_display_internal(tree file_descriptor,
+  else if( refer.field->type == FldLiteralA )
+    {
+    char *buffer = NULL;
+    size_t buffer_size = 0;
+    // Maximum size is twice capacity (for all UTF-8 characters) plus one byte
+    // for the terminating NUL character
+    size_t max_possible = 2*refer.field->data.capacity + 1;
+    if( max_possible > buffer_size )
+      {
+      buffer_size = max_possible;
+      buffer = (char *)xrealloc(buffer, max_possible);
+      }
+    __gg__ascii_to_console(&buffer,
+                        &buffer_size,
+                        refer.field->data.initial,
+                        refer.field->data.capacity );
+    gg_write(  file_descriptor,
+               gg_string_literal(buffer),
+               build_int_cst_type(SIZE_T, strlen(buffer)));
+    if( advance )
+      {
+      gg_write(  file_descriptor,
+                 gg_string_literal("\n"),
+                 integer_one_node);
+      }
+    }
   else if( refer.field->type == FldLiteralN )
     // The parser found the string of digits from the source code and converted
@@ -13440,10 +13468,6 @@ move_helper(cbl_refer_t destref,
   tree size_error = gg_define_int(0);
-  // gg_insert_into_assembler( "# DUBNER move_helper enter %s to %s",
-                            // sourceref.field->name,
-                            // destref.field->name );
   static tree stash = gg_define_variable(UCHAR_P);
   if( restore_on_error )
@@ -13516,7 +13540,98 @@ move_helper(cbl_refer_t destref,
-  //dont_be_clever:
+  if( !moved && sourceref.field->type == FldLiteralA)
+    {
+      {
+      SHOW_PARSE_TEXT("__gg__move_literala")
+      }
+    refer_fill_dest(destref);
+    cbl_figconst_t figconst = cbl_figconst_of( sourceref.field->data.initial);
+    if(    destref.refmod.from
+        || destref.refmod.len )
+      {
+      // Let the move routine know to treat the destination as alphanumeric
+      gg_attribute_bit_set(destref.field, refmod_e);
+      }
+    static char *buffer = NULL;
+    static size_t buffer_size = 0;
+    size_t source_length = sourceref.field->data.capacity;
+    if( buffer_size < source_length )
+      {
+      buffer_size = source_length;
+      buffer = (char *)xrealloc(buffer, buffer_size);
+      }
+    if( figconst )
+      {
+      char const_char = 0xFF;  // Head off a compiler warning about
+      //                       // uninitialized variables
+      switch(figconst)
+        {
+        case normal_value_e :
+          // This is not possible, it says here in the fine print.
+          abort();
+          break;
+        case low_value_e    :
+          const_char = ascii_to_internal(__gg__low_value_character);
+          break;
+        case zero_value_e   :
+          const_char = internal_zero;
+          break;
+        case space_value_e  :
+          const_char = internal_space;
+          break;
+        case quote_value_e  :
+          const_char = ascii_to_internal(__gg__quote_character);
+          break;
+        case high_value_e   :
+          const_char = ascii_to_internal(__gg__high_value_character);
+          break;
+        case null_value_e:
+          const_char = 0x00;
+          break;
+        }
+      memset(buffer, const_char, source_length);
+      }
+     else
+      {
+      memset( buffer, ascii_space, source_length);
+      memcpy( buffer,
+              sourceref.field->data.initial,
+              std::min(source_length, (size_t)sourceref.field->data.capacity) );
+      for( size_t i=0; i<source_length; i++)
+        {
+        buffer[i] = ascii_to_internal(buffer[i]);
+        }
+      }
+    int rounded_parameter = rounded 
+                            | ((sourceref.all || figconst ) ? REFER_ALL_BIT : 0);
+    gg_assign(size_error,
+              gg_call_expr( INT,
+                            "__gg__move_literala",
+                            4,
+                            gg_get_address_of(destref.refer_decl_node),
+                            build_int_cst_type(INT, rounded_parameter),
+                            build_string_literal(source_length,
+                                                 buffer),
+                            build_int_cst_type( SIZE_T, source_length)));
+    if(    destref.refmod.from
+        || destref.refmod.len )
+      {
+      // Return that value to its original form
+      gg_attribute_bit_clear(destref.field, refmod_e);
+      }
+    moved = true;
+    }
   if( !moved )
diff --git a/gcc/cobol/symbols.h b/gcc/cobol/symbols.h
index 4bd2ac92b74ac072d661f0d3a2e512e49be6634d..f2a71639185284ea1c9247b750c66f4248c5661e 100644
--- a/gcc/cobol/symbols.h
+++ b/gcc/cobol/symbols.h
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ static inline bool gcobol_feature_embiggen() {
     (cbl_gcobol_features & feature_embiggen_e);
+// In the __gg__move_literala() call, we piggyback this bit onto the
+// cbl_round_t parameter, just to cut down on the number of parameters passed
+#define REFER_ALL_BIT 0x80
 enum cbl_round_t {
diff --git a/gcc/cobol/tests/MakeVars.inc b/gcc/cobol/tests/MakeVars.inc
index e4e80915936fbf9565357ed6a86a9b1f9c4f2d51..5215a85ba4586c7ad7b0c833f4f1334cb8f1381c 100644
--- a/gcc/cobol/tests/MakeVars.inc
+++ b/gcc/cobol/tests/MakeVars.inc
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ LIBSTDC_PATH = $(LIBROOT)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs
 comma = ,
 RPATH = $(addprefix -Wl$(comma)-rpath=,$(LIBCOBOL_PATH) $(LIBSTDC_PATH))
  -B $(GCC_BIN) \
diff --git a/libgcobol/libgcobol.cc b/libgcobol/libgcobol.cc
index 161c150a3c64ed4379d94db809e0c281bf276aff..e34785f9a31610420b846a7fc1db327368ae8b5a 100644
--- a/libgcobol/libgcobol.cc
+++ b/libgcobol/libgcobol.cc
@@ -4572,7 +4572,6 @@ __gg__move( struct cblc_refer_t *dest,
           // For all other types, we just do a straight byte-for-byte move
           case FldAlphanumeric:
-          case FldLiteralA:
           case FldNumericEdited:
           case FldAlphaEdited:
           case FldNumericDisplay:
@@ -4602,7 +4601,6 @@ __gg__move( struct cblc_refer_t *dest,
           case FldAlphanumeric:
-          case FldLiteralA:
           case FldNumericEdited:
           case FldAlphaEdited:
             // This is an ordinary alpha-to-alpha move:
@@ -4931,7 +4929,6 @@ __gg__move( struct cblc_refer_t *dest,
-          case FldLiteralA:
           case FldAlphanumeric:
           case FldNumericDisplay:
           case FldNumericEdited:
@@ -5090,7 +5087,6 @@ __gg__move( struct cblc_refer_t *dest,
         switch( source_type )
-          case FldLiteralA:
           case FldAlphanumeric:
             char ach[256];
@@ -5142,6 +5138,149 @@ __gg__move( struct cblc_refer_t *dest,
   return size_error;
+extern "C"
+__gg__move_literala(struct cblc_refer_t *dest,
+                    cbl_round_t rounded_,
+                    const char *str,
+                    size_t strlen )
+  {
+  cbl_round_t rounded = static_cast<cbl_round_t>(rounded_ & ~REFER_ALL_BIT);
+  bool move_all = !!(rounded_ & REFER_ALL_BIT);
+  int size_error = 0; // This is the return value
+  bool moved = true;
+  __int128 value;
+  int rdigits;
+  cbl_field_type_t dest_type   = (cbl_field_type_t)dest->field->type;
+  if( var_is_refmod(dest->field) )
+    {
+    dest_type   = FldAlphanumeric;
+    }
+  switch( dest_type )
+    {
+    case FldGroup:
+    case FldAlphanumeric:
+      {
+      alpha_to_alpha_move_from_location(dest, str, strlen, move_all); 
+      break;
+      }
+    case FldNumericBinary:
+      {
+      value = __gg__dirty_to_binary_internal( str,
+                                              strlen,
+                                              &rdigits );
+      if( truncation_mode == trunc_std_e )
+        {
+        if( value < 0 )
+          {
+          value = -value;
+          value %= __gg__power_of_ten(dest->field->digits);
+          value = -value;
+          }
+        else
+          {
+          value %= __gg__power_of_ten(dest->field->digits);
+          }
+        }
+      __gg__int128_to_refer(dest,
+                            value,
+                            rdigits,
+                            rounded,
+                            &size_error );
+      break;
+      }
+    case FldNumericDisplay:
+    case FldNumericEdited:
+    case FldNumericBin5:
+    case FldPacked:
+    case FldIndex:
+      // Bin5 and Index are treated with no truncation, as if they were
+      // trunc_bin_e.  The other types aren't subject to truncation.
+      // We are moving a number to a number:
+      value = __gg__dirty_to_binary_internal( str,
+                                              strlen,
+                                              &rdigits );
+      __gg__int128_to_refer(dest,
+                            value,
+                            rdigits,
+                            rounded,
+                            &size_error );
+      break;
+    case FldAlphaEdited:
+      {
+      static size_t display_string_size = MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_SIZE;
+      static char *display_string = (char *)MALLOC(display_string_size);
+      size_t display_string_length = dest->qual_size;
+      __gg__realloc_if_necessary( &display_string,
+                                  &display_string_size,
+                                  display_string_length);
+      memset(display_string, internal_space, display_string_size);
+      size_t len = std::min(display_string_size, strlen);
+      memcpy(display_string, str, len);
+      __gg__string_to_alpha_edited( (char *)dest->qual_data,
+                                    display_string,
+                                    display_string_length,
+                                    dest->field->picture);
+      break;
+      }
+    case FldFloat:
+      {
+      char ach[256];
+      size_t len = std::min(strlen, sizeof(ach)-1);
+      memcpy(ach, str, len);
+      ach[len] = '\0';
+      switch( dest->field->capacity )
+        {
+        case 4:
+          {
+          *(float *)(dest->qual_data) = strtof32(ach, NULL);
+          break;
+          }
+        case 8:
+          {
+          *(double *)(dest->qual_data) = strtof64(ach, NULL);
+          break;
+          }
+        case 16:
+          {
+          *(_Float128 *)(dest->qual_data) = strtof128(ach, NULL);
+          break;
+          }
+        break;
+        }
+      break;
+      }
+    default:
+      moved = false;
+      break;
+    }
+  if( !moved )
+    {
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s() %s:%d -- We were unable to do a move to " 
+            "type %d\n",
+            __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__,
+            dest->field->type);
+    exit(1);
+    }
+  return size_error;
+  }
 extern "C"
 __gg__file_sort_ff_input(   cblc_file_t *workfile,