diff --git a/doc/contrib.rst b/doc/contrib.rst
index 15e358b7903629bc4d874b46e7916ab8103661a6..96bf2a56af42efdafab0d37d5fbb7fbf91e1b4e2 100644
--- a/doc/contrib.rst
+++ b/doc/contrib.rst
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Contributors to GCC
 The GCC project would like to thank its many contributors.  Without them the
 project would not have been nearly as successful as it has been.  Any omissions
 in this list are accidental.  Feel free to contact
-jlaw@ventanamicro.com or gerald@pfeifer.com if you have been left
+law@redhat.com or gerald@pfeifer.com if you have been left
 out or some of your contributions are not listed.  Please keep this list in
 alphabetical order.