*.diff *.patch *.orig *.rej *~ .#* *# .*.swp *.flt *.gmo *.info *.la *.lo *.o *.pyc *.tmp *.a .deps .libs autom4te.cache config.cache # GCC does not support in-tree builds, do not conceal a stray config.h: # config.h config.intl config.log config.status libtool POTFILES *-POTFILES TAGS TAGS.sub cscope.out .local.vimrc .lvimrc .clang-format .clang-tidy .clangd .cache compile_commands.json .gdbinit .gdb_history perf.data perf.data.old # ignore core files, but not java/net/protocol/core/ core !core/ lost+found # ignore ./contrib/gcc_update output LAST_UPDATED REVISION stamp-* *.stamp # ignore in-tree prerequisites /mpfr* /mpc* /gmp* /isl* /gettext* # Exclude the local subordinate build subdirectory # This is a GCOBOL thing, and should be changed to the GCC preferred method # of having the BUILD directories adjacent to the SRC directory, rather than # inside the SRC directory build/ build1/ build2/