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  • rdubner's avatar
    This is the Release Candidate for Version 3.9 · c99f6bee
    rdubner authored
    It incorporates improvements to the logic of COBCD-ST, including more robust handling of
    REDEFINES and some 66/RENAMES capability.
    COBCD-ST is significantly faster because of the elimination of a couple of O(N-squared)
    constructions in the code.  For a program with 40,000 COBOL variables it is thirty times
    COBCD-SFIX is faster by a factor of about six.
    The Python has been altered to pick up the cross-reference VARIABLE_STRING much
    faster than before.  A test program with 40,000 COBOL variables used to take 2.5 minutes to
    read over the string, one character at a time.  Use of a different GDB command for looking
    at string data got that down to 1.5 seconds.