AVR: Create more opportunities for -mfuse-add optimization.
avr_split_tiny_move() was only run for AVR_TINY because it has no PLUS addressing modes. Same applies to the X register on ordinary cores, and also to the Z register when used with [E]LPM. For example, without this patch long long addLL (long long *a, long long *b) { return *a + *b; } compiles with "-mmcu=atmgea128 -Os -dp" to: ... movw r26,r24 ; 80 [c=4 l=1] *movhi/0 movw r30,r22 ; 81 [c=4 l=1] *movhi/0 ld r18,X ; 82 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 adiw r26,1 ; 83 [c=4 l=3] movqi_insn/3 ld r19,X sbiw r26,1 adiw r26,2 ; 84 [c=4 l=3] movqi_insn/3 ld r20,X sbiw r26,2 adiw r26,3 ; 85 [c=4 l=3] movqi_insn/3 ld r21,X sbiw r26,3 adiw r26,4 ; 86 [c=4 l=3] movqi_insn/3 ld r22,X sbiw r26,4 adiw r26,5 ; 87 [c=4 l=3] movqi_insn/3 ld r23,X sbiw r26,5 adiw r26,6 ; 88 [c=4 l=3] movqi_insn/3 ld r24,X sbiw r26,6 adiw r26,7 ; 89 [c=4 l=2] movqi_insn/3 ld r25,X ld r10,Z ; 90 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ... whereas with this patch it becomes: ... movw r26,r24 ; 80 [c=4 l=1] *movhi/0 movw r30,r22 ; 81 [c=4 l=1] *movhi/0 ld r18,X+ ; 140 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r19,X+ ; 142 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r20,X+ ; 144 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r21,X+ ; 146 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r22,X+ ; 148 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r23,X+ ; 150 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r24,X+ ; 152 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r25,X ; 109 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ld r10,Z ; 111 [c=4 l=1] movqi_insn/3 ... gcc/ * config/avr/avr.md: Also split with avr_split_tiny_move() for non-AVR_TINY. * config/avr/avr.cc (avr_split_tiny_move): Don't change memory references with base regs that can do PLUS addressing. (avr_out_lpm_no_lpmx) [POST_INC]: Don't output final ADIW when the address register is unused after. gcc/testsuite/ * gcc.target/avr/torture/fuse-add.c: New test.
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