Subdirectories: abi Tests for ABI compatibility -- mangling, object layout, etc. bprob Tests for functionality of profile-directed block ordering. charset Tests for input character set translation. compat Tests for binary compatibility (consistency, not ABI conformance). conversion Tests for correct type conversions. cpp Tests for the preprocessor. debug Tests for debugging options. eh Tests for exception handling. expr Tests for expressions. ext Tests for GNU language extensions. gcov Tests for GCOV (code coverage) support. inherit Tests for inheritance -- virtual functions, multiple inheritance, etc. init Tests for initialization semantics, constructors/destructors, etc. lookup Tests for lookup semantics, namespaces, using, etc. lto Tests for Link Time Optimization. opt Tests for fixes of bugs with particular optimizations. overload Tests for overload resolution and conversions. parse Tests for parsing. pch Tests for precompiled headers. plugin Tests for plugin support. rtti Tests for run-time type identification (typeid, dynamic_cast, etc.) template Tests for templates. tc1 Tests for Technical Corrigendum 1 conformance. tls Tests for support of thread-local data. tree-ssa Tests for Tree SSA optimizations. warn Tests for compiler warnings. other Tests that don't fit into one of the other categories. special Tests that need custom expect code to run them; see special/ecos.exp for an example. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.