- Apr 28, 2021
Patrick McGehearty authored
Correctness and performance test programs used during development of this project may be found in the attachment to: https://www.mail-archive.com/gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org/msg254210.html Summary of Purpose This patch to libgcc/libgcc2.c __divdc3 provides an opportunity to gain important improvements to the quality of answers for the default complex divide routine (half, float, double, extended, long double precisions) when dealing with very large or very small exponents. The current code correctly implements Smith's method (1962) [2] further modified by c99's requirements for dealing with NaN (not a number) results. When working with input values where the exponents are greater than *_MAX_EXP/2 or less than -(*_MAX_EXP)/2, results are substantially different from the answers provided by quad precision more than 1% of the time. This error rate may be unacceptable for many applications that cannot a priori restrict their computations to the safe range. The proposed method reduces the frequency of "substantially different" answers by more than 99% for double precision at a modest cost of performance. Differences between current gcc methods and the new method will be described. Then accuracy and performance differences will be discussed. Background This project started with an investigation related to https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59714. Study of Beebe[1] provided an overview of past and recent practice for computing complex divide. The current glibc implementation is based on Robert Smith's algorithm [2] from 1962. A google search found the paper by Baudin and Smith [3] (same Robert Smith) published in 2012. Elen Kalda's proposed patch [4] is based on that paper. I developed two sets of test data by randomly distributing values over a restricted range and the full range of input values. The current complex divide handled the restricted range well enough, but failed on the full range more than 1% of the time. Baudin and Smith's primary test for "ratio" equals zero reduced the cases with 16 or more error bits by a factor of 5, but still left too many flawed answers. Adding debug print out to cases with substantial errors allowed me to see the intermediate calculations for test values that failed. I noted that for many of the failures, "ratio" was a subnormal. Changing the "ratio" test from check for zero to check for subnormal reduced the 16 bit error rate by another factor of 12. This single modified test provides the greatest benefit for the least cost, but the percentage of cases with greater than 16 bit errors (double precision data) is still greater than 0.027% (2.7 in 10,000). Continued examination of remaining errors and their intermediate computations led to the various tests of input value tests and scaling to avoid under/overflow. The current patch does not handle some of the rare and most extreme combinations of input values, but the random test data is only showing 1 case in 10 million that has an error of greater than 12 bits. That case has 18 bits of error and is due to subtraction cancellation. These results are significantly better than the results reported by Baudin and Smith. Support for half, float, double, extended, and long double precision is included as all are handled with suitable preprocessor symbols in a single source routine. Since half precision is computed with float precision as per current libgcc practice, the enhanced algorithm provides no benefit for half precision and would cost performance. Further investigation showed changing the half precision algorithm to use the simple formula (real=a*c+b*d imag=b*c-a*d) caused no loss of precision and modest improvement in performance. The existing constants for each precision: float: FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN; double: DBL_MAX, DBL_MIN; extended and/or long double: LDBL_MAX, LDBL_MIN are used for avoiding the more common overflow/underflow cases. This use is made generic by defining appropriate __LIBGCC2_* macros in c-cppbuiltin.c. Tests are added for when both parts of the denominator have exponents small enough to allow shifting any subnormal values to normal values all input values could be scaled up without risking overflow. That gained a clear improvement in accuracy. Similarly, when either numerator was subnormal and the other numerator and both denominator values were not too large, scaling could be used to reduce risk of computing with subnormals. The test and scaling values used all fit within the allowed exponent range for each precision required by the C standard. Float precision has more difficulty with getting correct answers than double precision. When hardware for double precision floating point operations is available, float precision is now handled in double precision intermediate calculations with the simple algorithm the same as the half-precision method of using float precision for intermediate calculations. Using the higher precision yields exact results for all tested input values (64-bit double, 32-bit float) with the only performance cost being the requirement to convert the four input values from float to double. If double precision hardware is not available, then float complex divide will use the same improved algorithm as the other precisions with similar change in performance. Further Improvement The most common remaining substantial errors are due to accuracy loss when subtracting nearly equal values. This patch makes no attempt to improve that situation. NOTATION For all of the following, the notation is: Input complex values: a+bi (a= real part, b= imaginary part) c+di Output complex value: e+fi = (a+bi)/(c+di) For the result tables: current = current method (SMITH) b1div = method proposed by Elen Kalda b2div = alternate method considered by Elen Kalda new = new method proposed by this patch DESCRIPTIONS of different complex divide methods: NAIVE COMPUTATION (-fcx-limited-range): e = (a*c + b*d)/(c*c + d*d) f = (b*c - a*d)/(c*c + d*d) Note that c*c and d*d will overflow or underflow if either c or d is outside the range 2^-538 to 2^512. This method is available in gcc when the switch -fcx-limited-range is used. That switch is also enabled by -ffast-math. Only one who has a clear understanding of the maximum range of all intermediate values generated by an application should consider using this switch. SMITH's METHOD (current libgcc): if(fabs(c)<fabs(d) { r = c/d; denom = (c*r) + d; e = (a*r + b) / denom; f = (b*r - a) / denom; } else { r = d/c; denom = c + (d*r); e = (a + b*r) / denom; f = (b - a*r) / denom; } Smith's method is the current default method available with __divdc3. Elen Kalda's METHOD Elen Kalda proposed a patch about a year ago, also based on Baudin and Smith, but not including tests for subnormals: https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-patches/2019-08/msg01629.html [4] It is compared here for accuracy with this patch. This method applies the most significant part of the algorithm proposed by Baudin&Smith (2012) in the paper "A Robust Complex Division in Scilab" [3]. Elen's method also replaces two divides by one divide and two multiplies due to the high cost of divide on aarch64. In the comparison sections, this method will be labeled b1div. A variation discussed in that patch which does not replace the two divides will be labeled b2div. inline void improved_internal (MTYPE a, MTYPE b, MTYPE c, MTYPE d) { r = d/c; t = 1.0 / (c + (d * r)); if (r != 0) { x = (a + (b * r)) * t; y = (b - (a * r)) * t; } else { /* Changing the order of operations avoids the underflow of r impacting the result. */ x = (a + (d * (b / c))) * t; y = (b - (d * (a / c))) * t; } } if (FABS (d) < FABS (c)) { improved_internal (a, b, c, d); } else { improved_internal (b, a, d, c); y = -y; } NEW METHOD (proposed by patch) to replace the current default method: The proposed method starts with an algorithm proposed by Baudin&Smith (2012) in the paper "A Robust Complex Division in Scilab" [3]. The patch makes additional modifications to that method for further reductions in the error rate. The following code shows the #define values for double precision. See the patch for #define values used for other precisions. #define RBIG ((DBL_MAX)/2.0) #define RMIN (DBL_MIN) #define RMIN2 (0x1.0p-53) #define RMINSCAL (0x1.0p+51) #define RMAX2 ((RBIG)*(RMIN2)) if (FABS(c) < FABS(d)) { /* prevent overflow when arguments are near max representable */ if ((FABS (d) > RBIG) || (FABS (a) > RBIG) || (FABS (b) > RBIG) ) { a = a * 0.5; b = b * 0.5; c = c * 0.5; d = d * 0.5; } /* minimize overflow/underflow issues when c and d are small */ else if (FABS (d) < RMIN2) { a = a * RMINSCAL; b = b * RMINSCAL; c = c * RMINSCAL; d = d * RMINSCAL; } else { if(((FABS (a) < RMIN) && (FABS (b) < RMAX2) && (FABS (d) < RMAX2)) || ((FABS (b) < RMIN) && (FABS (a) < RMAX2) && (FABS (d) < RMAX2))) { a = a * RMINSCAL; b = b * RMINSCAL; c = c * RMINSCAL; d = d * RMINSCAL; } } r = c/d; denom = (c*r) + d; if( r > RMIN ) { e = (a*r + b) / denom ; f = (b*r - a) / denom } else { e = (c * (a/d) + b) / denom; f = (c * (b/d) - a) / denom; } } [ only presenting the fabs(c) < fabs(d) case here, full code in patch. ] Before any computation of the answer, the code checks for any input values near maximum to allow down scaling to avoid overflow. These scalings almost never harm the accuracy since they are by 2. Values that are over RBIG are relatively rare but it is easy to test for them and allow aviodance of overflows. Testing for RMIN2 reveals when both c and d are less than [FLT|DBL]_EPSILON. By scaling all values by 1/EPSILON, the code converts subnormals to normals, avoids loss of accuracy and underflows in intermediate computations that otherwise might occur. If scaling a and b by 1/EPSILON causes either to overflow, then the computation will overflow whatever method is used. Finally, we test for either a or b being subnormal (RMIN) and if so, for the other three values being small enough to allow scaling. We only need to test a single denominator value since we have already determined which of c and d is larger. Next, r (the ratio of c to d) is checked for being near zero. Baudin and Smith checked r for zero. This code improves that approach by checking for values less than DBL_MIN (subnormal) covers roughly 12 times as many cases and substantially improves overall accuracy. If r is too small, then when it is used in a multiplication, there is a high chance that the result will underflow to zero, losing significant accuracy. That underflow is avoided by reordering the computation. When r is subnormal, the code replaces a*r (= a*(c/d)) with ((a/d)*c) which is mathematically the same but avoids the unnecessary underflow. TEST Data Two sets of data are presented to test these methods. Both sets contain 10 million pairs of complex values. The exponents and mantissas are generated using multiple calls to random() and then combining the results. Only values which give results to complex divide that are representable in the appropriate precision after being computed in quad precision are used. The first data set is labeled "moderate exponents". The exponent range is limited to -DBL_MAX_EXP/2 to DBL_MAX_EXP/2 for Double Precision (use FLT_MAX_EXP or LDBL_MAX_EXP for the appropriate precisions. The second data set is labeled "full exponents". The exponent range for these cases is the full exponent range including subnormals for a given precision. ACCURACY Test results: Note: The following accuracy tests are based on IEEE-754 arithmetic. Note: All results reporteed are based on use of fused multiply-add. If fused multiply-add is not used, the error rate increases, giving more 1 and 2 bit errors for both current and new complex divide. Differences between using fused multiply and not using it that are greater than 2 bits are less than 1 in a million. The complex divide methods are evaluated by determining the percentage of values that exceed differences in low order bits. If a "2 bit" test results show 1%, that would mean that 1% of 10,000,000 values (100,000) have either a real or imaginary part that differs from the quad precision result by more than the last 2 bits. Results are reported for differences greater than or equal to 1 bit, 2 bits, 8 bits, 16 bits, 24 bits, and 52 bits for double precision. Even when the patch avoids overflows and underflows, some input values are expected to have errors due to the potential for catastrophic roundoff from floating point subtraction. For example, when b*c and a*d are nearly equal, the result of subtraction may lose several places of accuracy. This patch does not attempt to detect or minimize this type of error, but neither does it increase them. I only show the results for Elen Kalda's method (with both 1 and 2 divides) and the new method for only 1 divide in the double precision table. In the following charts, lower values are better. current - current complex divide in libgcc b1div - Elen Kalda's method from Baudin & Smith with one divide b2div - Elen Kalda's method from Baudin & Smith with two divides new - This patch which uses 2 divides =================================================== Errors Moderate Dataset gtr eq current b1div b2div new ====== ======== ======== ======== ======== 1 bit 0.24707% 0.92986% 0.24707% 0.24707% 2 bits 0.01762% 0.01770% 0.01762% 0.01762% 8 bits 0.00026% 0.00026% 0.00026% 0.00026% 16 bits 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 0.00000% 24 bits 0% 0% 0% 0% 52 bits 0% 0% 0% 0% =================================================== Table 1: Errors with Moderate Dataset (Double Precision) Note in Table 1 that both the old and new methods give identical error rates for data with moderate exponents. Errors exceeding 16 bits are exceedingly rare. There are substantial increases in the 1 bit error rates for b1div (the 1 divide/2 multiplys method) as compared to b2div (the 2 divides method). These differences are minimal for 2 bits and larger error measurements. =================================================== Errors Full Dataset gtr eq current b1div b2div new ====== ======== ======== ======== ======== 1 bit 2.05% 1.23842% 0.67130% 0.16664% 2 bits 1.88% 0.51615% 0.50354% 0.00900% 8 bits 1.77% 0.42856% 0.42168% 0.00011% 16 bits 1.63% 0.33840% 0.32879% 0.00001% 24 bits 1.51% 0.25583% 0.24405% 0.00000% 52 bits 1.13% 0.01886% 0.00350% 0.00000% =================================================== Table 2: Errors with Full Dataset (Double Precision) Table 2 shows significant differences in error rates. First, the difference between b1div and b2div show a significantly higher error rate for the b1div method both for single bit errros and well beyond. Even for 52 bits, we see the b1div method gets completely wrong answers more than 5 times as often as b2div. To retain comparable accuracy with current complex divide results for small exponents and due to the increase in errors for large exponents, I choose to use the more accurate method of two divides. The current method has more 1.6% of cases where it is getting results where the low 24 bits of the mantissa differ from the correct answer. More than 1.1% of cases where the answer is completely wrong. The new method shows less than one case in 10,000 with greater than two bits of error and only one case in 10 million with greater than 16 bits of errors. The new patch reduces 8 bit errors by a factor of 16,000 and virtually eliminates completely wrong answers. As noted above, for architectures with double precision hardware, the new method uses that hardware for the intermediate calculations before returning the result in float precision. Testing of the new patch has shown zero errors found as seen in Tables 3 and 4. Correctness for float ============================= Errors Moderate Dataset gtr eq current new ====== ======== ======== 1 bit 28.68070% 0% 2 bits 0.64386% 0% 8 bits 0.00401% 0% 16 bits 0.00001% 0% 24 bits 0% 0% ============================= Table 3: Errors with Moderate Dataset (float) ============================= Errors Full Dataset gtr eq current new ====== ======== ======== 1 bit 19.98% 0% 2 bits 3.20% 0% 8 bits 1.97% 0% 16 bits 1.08% 0% 24 bits 0.55% 0% ============================= Table 4: Errors with Full Dataset (float) As before, the current method shows an troubling rate of extreme errors. There very minor changes in accuracy for half-precision since the code changes from Smith's method to the simple method. 5 out of 1 million test cases show correct answers instead of 1 or 2 bit errors. libgcc computes half-precision functions in float precision allowing the existing methods to avoid overflow/underflow issues for the allowed range of exponents for half-precision. Extended precision (using x87 80-bit format on x86) and Long double (using IEEE-754 128-bit on x86 and aarch64) both have 15-bit exponents as compared to 11-bit exponents in double precision. We note that the C standard also allows Long Double to be implemented in the equivalent range of Double. The RMIN2 and RMINSCAL constants are selected to work within the Double range as well as with extended and 128-bit ranges. We will limit our performance and accurancy discussions to the 80-bit and 128-bit formats as seen on x86 here. The extended and long double precision investigations were more limited. Aarch64 does not support extended precision but does support the software implementation of 128-bit long double precision. For x86, long double defaults to the 80-bit precision but using the -mlong-double-128 flag switches to using the software implementation of 128-bit precision. Both 80-bit and 128-bit precisions have the same exponent range, with the 128-bit precision has extended mantissas. Since this change is only aimed at avoiding underflow/overflow for extreme exponents, I studied the extended precision results on x86 for 100,000 values. The limited exponent dataset showed no differences. For the dataset with full exponent range, the current and new values showed major differences (greater than 32 bits) in 567 cases out of 100,000 (0.56%). In every one of these cases, the ratio of c/d or d/c (as appropriate) was zero or subnormal, indicating the advantage of the new method and its continued correctness where needed. PERFORMANCE Test results In order for a library change to be practical, it is necessary to show the slowdown is tolerable. The slowdowns observed are much less than would be seen by (for example) switching from hardware double precison to a software quad precision, which on the tested machines causes a slowdown of around 100x). The actual slowdown depends on the machine architecture. It also depends on the nature of the input data. If underflow/overflow is rare, then implementations that have strong branch prediction will only slowdown by a few cycles. If underflow/overflow is common, then the branch predictors will be less accurate and the cost will be higher. Results from two machines are presented as examples of the overhead for the new method. The one labeled x86 is a 5 year old Intel x86 processor and the one labeled aarch64 is a 3 year old arm64 processor. In the following chart, the times are averaged over a one million value data set. All values are scaled to set the time of the current method to be 1.0. Lower values are better. A value of less than 1.0 would be faster than the current method and a value greater than 1.0 would be slower than the current method. ================================================ Moderate set full set x86 aarch64 x86 aarch64 ======== =============== =============== float 0.59 0.79 0.45 0.81 double 1.04 1.24 1.38 1.56 long double 1.13 1.24 1.29 1.25 ================================================ Table 5: Performance Comparisons (ratio new/current) The above tables omit the timing for the 1 divide and 2 multiply comparison with the 2 divide approach. The float results show clear performance improvement due to using the simple method with double precision for intermediate calculations. The double results with the newer method show less overhead for the moderate dataset than for the full dataset. That's because the moderate dataset does not ever take the new branches which protect from under/overflow. The better the branch predictor, the lower the cost for these untaken branches. Both platforms are somewhat dated, with the x86 having a better branch predictor which reduces the cost of the additional branches in the new code. Of course, the relative slowdown may be greater for some architectures, especially those with limited branch prediction combined with a high cost of misprediction. The long double results are fairly consistent in showing the moderate additional cost of the extra branches and calculations for all cases. The observed cost for all precisions is claimed to be tolerable on the grounds that: (a) the cost is worthwhile considering the accuracy improvement shown. (b) most applications will only spend a small fraction of their time calculating complex divide. (c) it is much less than the cost of extended precision (d) users are not forced to use it (as described below) Those users who find this degree of slowdown unsatisfactory may use the gcc switch -fcx-fortran-rules which does not use the library routine, instead inlining Smith's method without the C99 requirement for dealing with NaN results. The proposed patch for libgcc complex divide does not affect the code generated by -fcx-fortran-rules. SUMMARY When input data to complex divide has exponents whose absolute value is less than half of *_MAX_EXP, this patch makes no changes in accuracy and has only a modest effect on performance. When input data contains values outside those ranges, the patch eliminates more than 99.9% of major errors with a tolerable cost in performance. In comparison to Elen Kalda's method, this patch introduces more performance overhead but reduces major errors by a factor of greater than 4000. REFERENCES [1] Nelson H.F. Beebe, "The Mathematical-Function Computation Handbook. Springer International Publishing AG, 2017. [2] Robert L. Smith. Algorithm 116: Complex division. Commun. ACM, 5(8):435, 1962. [3] Michael Baudin and Robert L. Smith. "A robust complex division in Scilab," October 2012, available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.4539. [4] Elen Kalda: Complex division improvements in libgcc https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-patches/2019-08/msg01629.html 2020-12-08 Patrick McGehearty <patrick.mcgehearty@oracle.com> gcc/c-family/ * c-cppbuiltin.c (c_cpp_builtins): Add supporting macros for new complex divide libgcc/ * libgcc2.c (XMTYPE, XCTYPE, RBIG, RMIN, RMIN2, RMINSCAL, RMAX2): Define. (__divsc3, __divdc3, __divxc3, __divtc3): Improve complex divide. * config/rs6000/_divkc3.c (RBIG, RMIN, RMIN2, RMINSCAL, RMAX2): Define. (__divkc3): Improve complex divide. gcc/testsuite/ * gcc.c-torture/execute/ieee/cdivchkd.c: New test. * gcc.c-torture/execute/ieee/cdivchkf.c: Likewise. * gcc.c-torture/execute/ieee/cdivchkld.c: Likewise.
- Feb 24, 2021
Jakub Jelinek authored
When these functions are called with integer minimum, there is UB on the libgcc side. Fixed in the obvious way, the code in the end wants ABSU_EXPR behavior. 2021-02-24 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> PR libgcc/99236 * libgcc2.c (__powisf2, __powidf2, __powitf2, __powixf2): Perform negation of m in unsigned type.
- Jan 04, 2021
Jakub Jelinek authored
- Nov 30, 2020
Stefan Kanthak authored
libgcc * libgcc2.c (bswapsi2): Make constants unsigned.
- Nov 25, 2020
Stefan Kanthak authored
libgcc/ * libgcc2.c (absvSI2): Simplify/improve implementation by using builtin_add_overflow. (absvsi2, absvDI2): Likewise.
- Nov 10, 2020
Jeff Law authored
libgcc/ * libgcc2.c: Fix whitespace issues in most recent change.
Stefan Kanthak authored
libgcc/ * libgcc2.c (__addvSI3): Use overflow builtins. (__addvsi3, __addvDI3 ,__subvSI3, __subvsi3): Likewise. (__subvDI3 __mulvSI3, __mulvsi3, __negvSI2): Likewise. (__negvsi2, __negvDI2): Likewise. (__cmpdi2, __ucmpdi2): Adjust implementation to improve generated code. * libgcc2.h (__ucmpdi2): Adjust prototype.
- Jan 01, 2020
Jakub Jelinek authored
From-SVN: r279813
- Feb 21, 2019
Martin Sebor authored
gcc/ChangeLog: * doc/extend.texi (__clear_cache): Correct signature. libgcc/ChangeLog: * libgcc2.h (__clear_cache): Correct signature. * libgcc2.c (__clear_cache): Same. gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gcc.dg/Wbuiltin-declaration-mismatch-12.c: New test. From-SVN: r269082
- Jan 23, 2019
H.J. Lu authored
FSTYPE FUNC (DWtype u) in libgcc2.c, which converts DI/TI to SF/DF, has /* No leading bits means u == minimum. */ if (count == 0) return -(Wtype_MAXp1_F * (Wtype_MAXp1_F / 2)); in the third case (where actually count == 0 only means the high part is minimum). It should be: /* No leading bits means u == minimum. */ if (count == 0) return Wtype_MAXp1_F * (FSTYPE) (hi | ((UWtype) u != 0)); instead. gcc/testsuite/ 2019-01-23 H.J. Lu <hongjiu.lu@intel.com> PR libgcc/88931 * gcc.dg/torture/fp-int-convert-timode-1.c: New test. * gcc.dg/torture/fp-int-convert-timode-2.c: Likewise. * gcc.dg/torture/fp-int-convert-timode-3.c: Likewise. * gcc.dg/torture/fp-int-convert-timode-4.c: Likewise. libgcc/ 2019-01-23 Joseph Myers <joseph@codesourcery.com> PR libgcc/88931 * libgcc2.c (FSTYPE FUNC (DWtype u)): Correct no leading bits case. From-SVN: r268216
- Jan 01, 2019
Jakub Jelinek authored
From-SVN: r267494
- Oct 03, 2018
Uros Bizjak authored
* libgcc2.c (isnan): Use __builtin_isnan. (isfinite): Use __builtin_isfinite. (isinf): Use __builtin_isinf. From-SVN: r264823
- Jan 03, 2018
Jakub Jelinek authored
From-SVN: r256169
- Oct 13, 2017
Jakub Jelinek authored
re PR target/82274 (__builtin_mul_overflow fails to detect overflow for int64_t when compiled with -m32) PR target/82274 * internal-fn.c (expand_mul_overflow): If both operands have the same highpart of -1 or 0 and the topmost bit of lowpart is different, overflow is if res <= 0 rather than res < 0. * libgcc2.c (__mulvDI3): If both operands have the same highpart of -1 and the topmost bit of lowpart is 0, multiplication overflows even if both lowparts are 0. * gcc.dg/pr82274-1.c: New test. * gcc.dg/pr82274-2.c: New test. From-SVN: r253734
- Jan 01, 2017
Jakub Jelinek authored
From-SVN: r243994
- Nov 03, 2016
Bernd Edlinger authored
2016-11-03 Bernd Edlinger <bernd.edlinger@hotmail.de> PR libgcc/78067 * libgcc2.c (__floatdisf, __floatdidf): Avoid undefined results from count_leading_zeros. testsuite: 2016-11-03 Bernd Edlinger <bernd.edlinger@hotmail.de> PR libgcc/78067 * gcc.dg/torture/fp-int-convert.h: Add more conversion tests. From-SVN: r241817
- Nov 02, 2016
Uros Bizjak authored
* Makefile.in (LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS): Add _divmoddi4. * libgcc2.c (__divmoddi4): New function. * libgcc2.h (__divmoddi4): Declare. * libgcc-std.ver.in (GCC_7.0.0): New. Add __PFX_divmoddi4 and __PFX_divmodti4. From-SVN: r241804
- Sep 09, 2016
James Greenhalgh authored
This patch arranges for half-precision complex multiply and divide routines to be built if __LIBGCC_HAS_HF_MODE__. This will be true if the target supports the _Float16 type. libgcc/ PR target/63250 * Makefile.in (lib2funcs): Build _mulhc3 and _divhc3. * libgcc2.h (LIBGCC_HAS_HF_MODE): Conditionally define. (HFtype): Likewise. (HCtype): Likewise. (__divhc3): Likewise. (__mulhc3): Likewise. * libgcc2.c: Support _mulhc3 and _divhc3. From-SVN: r240043
- Sep 07, 2016
Joseph Myers authored
libgcc complex multiply is meant to eliminate excess precision from certain internal values by forcing them to memory in exactly those cases where the type has excess precision. But in https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2014-09/msg01894.html I accidentally inverted the logic so that values get forced to memory in exactly the cases where it's not needed. (This is a pessimization in the no-excess-precision case, in principle could lead to bad results depending on code generation in the excess-precision case. Note: I do not have a test demonstrating bad results.) Bootstrapped with no regressions on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu. Code size went down on x86_64 as expected; old sizes: text data bss dec hex filename 887 0 0 887 377 _muldc3.o 810 0 0 810 32a _mulsc3.o 2032 0 0 2032 7f0 _multc3.o 983 0 0 983 3d7 _mulxc3.o New sizes: 847 0 0 847 34f _muldc3.o 770 0 0 770 302 _mulsc3.o 2032 0 0 2032 7f0 _multc3.o 951 0 0 951 3b7 _mulxc3.o PR libgcc/77519 * libgcc2.c (NOTRUNC): Invert settings. From-SVN: r240033
- Jul 06, 2016
Trevor Saunders authored
The last target to use this was i386-interix, so since that is gone we don't need this anymore. libgcc/ChangeLog: 2016-07-06 Trevor Saunders <tbsaunde+gcc@tbsaunde.org> * libgcc2.c (SYMBOL__MAIN): Remove checks for CTOR_LISTS_DEFINED_EXTERNALLY. From-SVN: r238067
- Apr 04, 2016
Eric Botcazou authored
re PR target/67172 (i686-w64-mingw32 dwarf2 bootstrap fails with undefined reference to __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__) PR target/67172 * libgcc2.c (L__main): Undefine __LIBGCC_EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME__ if __MINGW32__ is defined. From-SVN: r234727
- Jan 04, 2016
Jakub Jelinek authored
From-SVN: r232055
- Nov 07, 2015
Trevor Saunders authored
libgcc/ChangeLog: 2015-11-07 Trevor Saunders <tbsaunde+gcc@tbsaunde.org> * config/visium/lib2funcs.c (__set_trampoline_parity): Use __CHAR_BIT__ instead of BITS_PER_UNIT. * fixed-bit.h: Likewise. * fp-bit.h: Likewise. * libgcc2.c (__popcountSI2): Likewise. (__popcountDI2): Likewise. * libgcc2.h: Likewise. * libgcov.h: Likewise. libobjc/ChangeLog: 2015-11-07 Trevor Saunders <tbsaunde+gcc@tbsaunde.org> PR libobjc/24775 * encoding.c (_darwin_rs6000_special_round_type_align): Use __CHAR_BIT__ instead of BITS_PER_UNIT. (objc_sizeof_type): Likewise. (objc_layout_structure): Likewise. (objc_layout_structure_next_member): Likewise. (objc_layout_finish_structure): Likewise. (objc_layout_structure_get_info): Likewise. From-SVN: r229936
- Jan 05, 2015
Jakub Jelinek authored
From-SVN: r219188
- Sep 23, 2014
Joseph Myers authored
This patch removes the target macro LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE. After recent changes, this macro was used in two ways in libgcc: to determine the mode of long double in dfp-bit.h, and to determine whether a particular mode has excess precision for use in complex multiplication. The former is concerned specifically with long double: it relates to use of strtold for converting between decimal and binary floating point. This is replaced by comparing __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ with the appropriate __LIBGCC_*_MANT_DIG__ macro. The latter is replaced __LIBGCC_*_EXCESS_PRECISION__ predefined macros. Remarks: * Comparing (__LDBL_MANT_DIG__ == __LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__) is more fragile than it looks; it's possible for XFmode to have 53-bit mantissa (TARGET_96_ROUND_53_LONG_DOUBLE, on FreeBSD and DragonFlyBSD 32-bit), in which case such a comparison would not distinguish XFmode and DFmode as possible modes for long double. Fortunately, no target supporting that form of XFmode also supports long double = double (but if some target did, we'd need e.g. an additional macro giving the exponent range of each mode). Furthermore, this code doesn't actually get used for x86 (or any other target with XFmode support), because x86 uses BID not DPD and BID has its own conversion code (which handles conversions for both XFmode and TFmode without needing to go via strtold). And FreeBSD and DragonFlyBSD aren't among the targets with DFP support. So while in principle this code is fragile and it's a deficiency that it can't support both XFmode and TFmode at once (something that can't be solved with the string conversion approach without libc having TS 18661 functions such as strtof128), all these issues should not be a problem in practice. * If other cases of excess precision are supported in future, the code for defining __LIBGCC_*_EXCESS_PRECISION__ may need updating. Although the most likely such cases might not actually involve excess precision for any mode used in libgcc - FLT_EVAL_METHOD being 32 to do _Float16 arithmetic on _Float32 should have the effect of _Complex _Float16 arithmetic using __mulsc3 and __divsc3, rather than currently nonexistent __mulhc3 and __divhc3 as in bug 63250 for ARM. * As has been noted in the context of simultaneous support for __float128 and __ibm128 on Power, the semantics of macros such as LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE are problematic because they rely on a poorly-defined precision value for floating-point modes (which seems to be intended as the number of significant bits in the representation, e.g. 80 for XFmode which may be either 12 or 16 bytes) uniquely identifying a mode (although defining an arbitrarily different value for one of the modes you wish to distinguish may work as a hack). It would be cleaner to have a target hook that gives a machine mode directly for float, double and long double, rather than going via these precision values. By eliminating all use of these macros (FLOAT_TYPE_SIZE, DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE, LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE) from code built for the target, this patch facilitates such a conversion to a hook (which I suppose would take some suitable enum as an argument to identify which of the three types to return a mode for). (The issue of multiple type support for DFP conversions would apply in that Power case. <https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2014-07/msg01084.html> doesn't seem to touch on it, but it would seem reasonable to punt on it initially as hard to fix. There would also be the issue of getting functions such as __powikf2, __mulkc3, __divkc3 defined, but that's rather easier to address.) Bootstrapped with no regressions on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. gcc: * doc/tm.texi.in (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * doc/tm.texi: Regenerate. * system.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Poison. * config/alpha/alpha.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/i386-interix.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/i386.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/rtemself.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/ia64/ia64.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/m68k/m68k.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/m68k/netbsd-elf.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/mips/mips.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/mips/n32-elf.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/msp430/msp430.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/rl78/rl78.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/rs6000/rs6000.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/rx/rx.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/s390/s390.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/sparc/freebsd.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/sparc/linux.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/sparc/linux64.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. * config/sparc/netbsd-elf.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. gcc/c-family: * c-cppbuiltin.c (c_cpp_builtins): Define __LIBGCC_*_EXCESS_PRECISION__ macros for supported floating-point modes. libgcc: * dfp-bit.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. (__LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__): Define if not already defined. (LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE): Define in terms of __LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__. (__LIBGCC_TF_MANT_DIG__): Define if not already defined. (LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE): Define in terms of __LIBGCC_TF_MANT_DIG__. * libgcc2.c (NOTRUNC): Define in terms of __LIBGCC_*_EXCESS_PRECISION__, not LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE. * libgcc2.h (LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE): Remove. From-SVN: r215491
- Sep 18, 2014
Joseph Myers authored
This patch removes the (undocumented) LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT target macro, replacing it by -fbuilding-libgcc predefines (and thereby gets rid of another LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE conditional, though some more patches are needed before that target macro can be eliminated). This macro indicated the suffix used on __builtin_huge_val, __builtin_copysign, __builtin_fabs built-in function names to produce the names for a given floating-point mode. Predefines are added for all floating-point modes supported for libgcc, not just TFmode. These are fully accurate for modes corresponding to float, double and long double. For other modes, the suffix for *constants* is determined by the targetm.c.mode_for_suffix hook (the limit to two possible suffixes 'w' and 'q' being hardcoded in various places). This is in fact the suffix for built-in functions as well where such functions exist. * For i386, the *q functions always exist (whether or not TFmode is used for long double). The *w functions never exist (but this doesn't matter for libgcc, since no i386 configuration treats XFmode as a supported scalar mode if long double is TFmode; if __float80 were to be supported for 64-bit Android, properly such functions ought to be added). * For ia64, the *q functions exist for non-HP-UX (under HP-UX, long double is TFmode, so they aren't needed). The *w functions never exist. This is an issue for this libgcc code for the XFmode complex functions in libgcc on HP-UX; as I understand it, right now those will accidentally be using TFmode versions of those three functions, so involving unnecessary conversions, while the sanity check on CEXT accidentally passes because all it tests is the sizes of the types. Because of the lack of 'w' functions, the patch uses 'l' when the constant suffix is 'w', matching what the existing libgcc code would do for IA64 HP-UX in that case. Ideally there would be generic code to create such built-in functions for all supported floating-point types. That may be something to consider if support for TS 18661-3 (standard bindings for IEEE 754-2008, defining names such as _Float128, and function names such as copysignf128) is added in future. Bootstrapped with no regressions on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. gcc: * system.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Poison. * config/i386/cygming.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Remove. * config/i386/darwin.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. * config/i386/dragonfly.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. * config/i386/freebsd.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. * config/i386/gnu-user-common.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. * config/i386/openbsdelf.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. * config/i386/sol2.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. * config/ia64/ia64.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. * config/ia64/linux.h (LIBGCC2_TF_CEXT): Likewise. gcc/c-family: * c-cppbuiltin.c (c_cpp_builtins): Define __LIBGCC_*_FUNC_EXT__ for supported floating-point modes. libgcc: * libgcc2.c (CEXT): Define using __LIBGCC_*_FUNC_EXT__. From-SVN: r215368
- Sep 08, 2014
Joseph Myers authored
gcc: * config/i386/cygming.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/darwin.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/dragonfly.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/freebsd.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/gnu-user-common.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/openbsdelf.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/i386/sol2.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/ia64/hpux.h (XF_SIZE, TF_SIZE): Remove. * config/ia64/linux.h (TF_SIZE): Remove. * doc/tm.texi.in (SF_SIZE, DF_SIZE, XF_SIZE, TF_SIZE): Remove. * doc/tm.texi: Regenerate. * system.h (SF_SIZE, DF_SIZE, XF_SIZE, TF_SIZE): Poison. gcc/c-family: * c-cppbuiltin.c (c_cpp_builtins): Define macros for mantissa digits of floating-point modes if -fbuilding-libgcc. libgcc: * libgcc2.c (SF_SIZE): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_SF_MANT_DIG__. (DF_SIZE): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DF_MANT_DIG__. (XF_SIZE): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__. (TF_SIZE): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_TF_MANT_DIG__. * libgcc2.h (SF_SIZE): Change to __LIBGCC_SF_MANT_DIG__. Give error if not defined and LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE is defined. (DF_SIZE): Change to __LIBGCC_DF_MANT_DIG__. Give error if not defined and LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE is defined. (XF_SIZE): Change to __LIBGCC_XF_MANT_DIG__. Give error if not defined and LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE is defined. (TF_SIZE): Change to __LIBGCC_TF_MANT_DIG__. Give error if not defined and LIBGCC2_HAS_TF_MODE is defined. From-SVN: r215014
- Sep 05, 2014
Joseph Myers authored
gcc/c-family: * c-cppbuiltin.c (c_cpp_builtins): Also define __LIBGCC_EH_TABLES_CAN_BE_READ_ONLY__, __LIBGCC_EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME__, __LIBGCC_JCR_SECTION_NAME__, __LIBGCC_CTORS_SECTION_ASM_OP__, __LIBGCC_DTORS_SECTION_ASM_OP__, __LIBGCC_TEXT_SECTION_ASM_OP__, __LIBGCC_INIT_SECTION_ASM_OP__, __LIBGCC_INIT_ARRAY_SECTION_ASM_OP__, __LIBGCC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD__, __LIBGCC_DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP__, __LIBGCC_DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN__, __LIBGCC_DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS__, __LIBGCC_EH_RETURN_STACKADJ_RTX__, __LIBGCC_JMP_BUF_SIZE__, __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__ and __LIBGCC_VTABLE_USES_DESCRIPTORS__ for -fbuilding-libgcc. (builtin_define_with_value): Handle backslash-escaping in string macro values. libgcc: * Makefile.in (CRTSTUFF_CFLAGS): Add -fbuilding-libgcc. * config/aarch64/linux-unwind.h (STACK_POINTER_REGNUM): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__. (DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN__. * config/alpha/vms-unwind.h (DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN): Change use to __LIBGCC_DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN__. * config/cr16/unwind-cr16.c (STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD__. (DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS__. (EH_RETURN_STACKADJ_RTX): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_EH_RETURN_STACKADJ_RTX__. * config/cr16/unwind-dw2.h (DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS): Change use to __LIBGCC_DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS__. Remove conditional definition. * config/i386/cygming-crtbegin.c (EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME): Change use to __LIBGCC_EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME__. (JCR_SECTION_NAME): Change use to __LIBGCC_JCR_SECTION_NAME__. * config/i386/cygming-crtend.c (EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME): Change use to __LIBGCC_EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME__. (JCR_SECTION_NAME): Change use to __LIBGCC_JCR_SECTION_NAME__ * config/mips/linux-unwind.h (STACK_POINTER_REGNUM): Change use to __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__. (DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN__. * config/nios2/linux-unwind.h (STACK_POINTER_REGNUM): Change use to __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__. * config/pa/hpux-unwind.h (DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN__. * config/pa/linux-unwind.h (DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN__. * config/rs6000/aix-unwind.h (DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DWARF_ALT_FRAME_RETURN_COLUMN__. (STACK_POINTER_REGNUM): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__. * config/rs6000/darwin-fallback.c (STACK_POINTER_REGNUM): Change use to __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__. * config/rs6000/linux-unwind.h (STACK_POINTER_REGNUM): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__. * config/sparc/linux-unwind.h (DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS): Change use to __LIBGCC_DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS__. * config/sparc/sol2-unwind.h (DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS): Change use to __LIBGCC_DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS__. * config/tilepro/linux-unwind.h (STACK_POINTER_REGNUM): Change use to __LIBGCC_STACK_POINTER_REGNUM__. * config/xtensa/unwind-dw2-xtensa.h (DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS): Remove conditional definition. * crtstuff.c (TEXT_SECTION_ASM_OP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_TEXT_SECTION_ASM_OP__. (EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME__. (EH_TABLES_CAN_BE_READ_ONLY): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_EH_TABLES_CAN_BE_READ_ONLY__. (CTORS_SECTION_ASM_OP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_CTORS_SECTION_ASM_OP__. (DTORS_SECTION_ASM_OP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DTORS_SECTION_ASM_OP__. (JCR_SECTION_NAME): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_JCR_SECTION_NAME__. (INIT_SECTION_ASM_OP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_INIT_SECTION_ASM_OP__. (INIT_ARRAY_SECTION_ASM_OP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_INIT_ARRAY_SECTION_ASM_OP__. * generic-morestack.c (STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD__. * libgcc2.c (INIT_SECTION_ASM_OP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_INIT_SECTION_ASM_OP__. (INIT_ARRAY_SECTION_ASM_OP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_INIT_ARRAY_SECTION_ASM_OP__. (EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME__. * libgcov-profiler.c (VTABLE_USES_DESCRIPTORS): Remove conditional definitions. Change all uses to __LIBGCC_VTABLE_USES_DESCRIPTORS__. * unwind-dw2.c (STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD__. (DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS__. (EH_RETURN_STACKADJ_RTX): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_EH_RETURN_STACKADJ_RTX__. * unwind-dw2.h (DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS): Remove conditional definition. Change use to __LIBGCC_DWARF_FRAME_REGISTERS__. * unwind-sjlj.c (DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP): Change all uses to __LIBGCC_DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP__. (JMP_BUF_SIZE): Change use to __LIBGCC_JMP_BUF_SIZE__. From-SVN: r214954
- Jan 02, 2014
Richard Sandiford authored
From-SVN: r206295
- Nov 27, 2013
Kugan Vivekanandarajah authored
2013-11-27 Kugan Vivekanandarajah <kuganv@linaro.org> gcc/ * doc/tm.texi.in (TARGET_HAS_NO_HW_DIVIDE): Define. * doc/tm.texi (TARGET_HAS_NO_HW_DIVIDE): Regenerate. libgcc/ * libgcc2.c (__udivmoddi4): Define new implementation when TARGET_HAS_NO_HW_DIVIDE is defined, for processors without any divide instructions. From-SVN: r205444
- Jul 15, 2013
Matthias Klose authored
2013-07-15 Matthias Klose <doko@ubuntu.com> * libgcc2.c: Don't include <limits.h>. From-SVN: r200963
- Jul 06, 2013
Jakub Jelinek authored
PR target/29776 * fold-const.c (tree_call_nonnegative_warnv_p): Return true for BUILT_IN_C{LZ,LRSB}*. * tree.h (CASE_INT_FN): Add FN##IMAX case. * tree-vrp.c (extract_range_basic): Handle BUILT_IN_{FFS,PARITY,POPCOUNT,C{LZ,TZ,LRSB}}*. For BUILT_IN_CONSTANT_P if argument isn't (D) of PARM_DECL, fall thru to code calling set_value*. * builtins.c (expand_builtin): Remove *IMAX cases. (fold_builtin_bitop): For BUILT_IN_CLRSB* return NULL_TREE if width is bigger than 2*HWI. * libgcc2.c (__floattisf): Avoid undefined signed overflow. * gcc.dg/tree-ssa/vrp89.c: New test. From-SVN: r200731
- Jun 28, 2013
Jakub Jelinek authored
PR middle-end/36041 * libgcc2.c (POPCOUNTCST2, POPCOUNTCST4, POPCOUNTCST8, POPCOUNTCST): Define. (__popcountSI2): For __SIZEOF_INT__ > 2 targets use arithmetics instead of table lookups. (__popcountDI2): Likewise. From-SVN: r200506
- Feb 04, 2013
Richard Sandiford authored
From-SVN: r195731
- Nov 02, 2011
Rainer Orth authored
gcc: * configure.ac (libgcc_tm_file_list, libgcc_tm_include_list): Remove. * configure: Regenerate. * Makefile.in (libgcc_tm_file_list, libgcc_tm_include_list): Remove. (TM_H): Remove libgcc_tm.h, $(libgcc_tm_file_list). (libgcc_tm.h, cs-libgcc_tm.h): Remove. (clean): Remove libgcc_tm.h * mkconfig.sh: Don't include libgcc_tm.h in tm.h. * config.gcc (libgcc_tm_file): Remove. (arm*-*-linux*): Remove libgcc_tm_file for arm*-*-linux-*eabi. (arm*-*-uclinux*): Remove libgcc_tm_file for arm*-*-uclinux*eabi. (arm*-*-eabi*, arm*-*-symbianelf*): Remove libgcc_tm_file. (avr-*-rtems*): Likewise. (avr-*-*): Likewise. (frv-*-elf): Likewise. (frv-*-*linux*): Likewise. (h8300-*-rtems*): Likewise. (h8300-*-elf*): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-darwin*): Likewise. (x86_64-*-darwin*): Likewise. (rx-*-elf*): Likewise. (tic6x-*-elf): Likewise. (tic6x-*-uclinux): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-linux*, x86_64-*-linux*): Likewise. libgcc: * configure.ac (tm_file_): New variable. Determine from tm_file. (tm_file, tm_defines): Substitute. * configure: Regenerate. * mkheader.sh: New file. * Makefile.in (clean): Remove libgcc_tm.h. ($(objects)): Depend on libgcc_tm.h. (libgcc_tm_defines, libgcc_tm_file): New variables. (libgcc_tm.h, libgcc_tm.stamp): New targets. ($(libgcc-objects), $(libgcc-s-objects), $(libgcc-eh-objects)) ($(libgcov-objects), $(libunwind-objects), $(libunwind-s-objects)) ($(extra-parts)): Depend on libgcc_tm.h. * config.host (tm_defines, tm_file): New variable. (arm*-*-linux*): Set tm_file for arm*-*-linux-*eabi. (arm*-*-uclinux*): Set tm_file for arm*-*-uclinux*eabi. (arm*-*-eabi*, arm*-*-symbianelf*): Set tm_file. (avr-*-rtems*): Likewise. (avr-*-*): Likewise. (frv-*-elf): Likewise. (frv-*-*linux*): Likewise. (h8300-*-rtems*): Likewise. (h8300-*-elf*): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-darwin*): Likewise. (x86_64-*-darwin*): Likewise. (rx-*-elf): Likewise. (tic6x-*-uclinux): Likewise. (tic6x-*-elf): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-linux*, x86_64-*-linux*): Likewise. * config/alpha/gthr-posix.c: Include libgcc_tm.h. * config/i386/cygming-crtbegin.c: Likewise. * config/i386/cygming-crtend.c: Likewise. * config/ia64/fde-vms.c: Likewise. * config/ia64/unwind-ia64.c: Likewise. * config/libbid/bid_gcc_intrinsics.h: Likewise. * config/rs6000/darwin-fallback.c: Likewise. * config/stormy16/lib2funcs.c: Likewise. * config/xtensa/unwind-dw2-xtensa.c: Likewise. * crtstuff.c: Likewise. * dfp-bit.h: Likewise. * emutls.c: Likewise. * fixed-bit.c: Likewise. * fp-bit.c: Likewise. * generic-morestack-thread.c: Likewise. * generic-morestack.c: Likewise. * libgcc2.c: Likewise. * libgcov.c: Likewise. * unwind-dw2-fde-dip.c: Likewise. * unwind-dw2-fde.c: Likewise. * unwind-dw2.c: Likewise. * unwind-sjlj.c: Likewise. Co-Authored-By:
Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org> From-SVN: r180775
Rainer Orth authored
toplevel: * Makefile.tpl (EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS): Remove LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS, LIBGCC2_INCLUDES. * Makefile.in: Regenerate. config: * mh-interix (LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS): Remove. gcc: * Makefile.in (LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (LIBGCC2_INCLUDES, TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA) (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA, LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE, T, T_TARGET) (INCLUDES_FOR_TARGET): Remove. (LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Don't export. (LIB2FUNCS_ST, LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS, LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST, srcdirify): Remove. (libgcc-support): Remove $(LIB2ADD), $(LIB2ADD_ST) dependencies. (libgcc.mvars): Likewise. Don't emit LIB2FUNCS_ST, LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE, LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST, LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS, LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS, LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS. Emit GTHREAD_FLAGS. * libgcc2.c, libgcc2.h, gbl-ctors.h, longlong.h: Move to ../libgcc. * config/darwin-64.c: Move to ../libgcc/config. * config/divmod.c, config/floatunsidf.c, config/floatunsisf.c, config/floatunsitf.c, config/floatunsixf.c, config/udivmod.c, config/udivmodsi4.c: Move to ../libgcc/config. * config/gthr-posix.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/alpha. * config/memcmp.c, config/memcpy.c, config/memmove.c, config/memset.c: Move to ../libgcc/config. * config/t-darwin (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/t-freebsd: Remove. * config/t-freebsd-thread: Move to ../libgcc/config. * config/t-libgcc-pic: Move to ../libgcc/config. * config/t-libunwind (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/t-linux: Remove. * config/t-lynx (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove * config/t-openbsd-thread: Move to ../libgcc/config. * config/t-rtems (LIBGCC2_INCLUDES): Remove. * config/t-sol2 (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/t-svr4: Remove. * config/t-vxworks (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC, TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA, LIBGCC2_INCLUDES): Remove. * config/vxlib.c, config/vxlib-tls.c: Move to ../libgcc/config. * config/alpha/qrnnd.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/alpha/qrnnd.S. * config/alpha/t-alpha, config/alpha/t-ieee: Remove. * config/alpha/t-vms (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA, LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/alpha/vms-gcc_shell_handler.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/alpha. * config/arm/bpabi.c, config/arm/unaligned-funcs.c, config/arm/fp16.c, config/arm/linux-atomic.c, config/arm/linux-atomic-64bit.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/arm. * config/arm/t-arm-elf (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC) (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/arm/t-bpabi, config/arm/t-linux: Remove. * config/arm/t-linux-eabi (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA): Remove. * config/arm/t-netbsd: Remove. * config/arm/t-strongarm-elf (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC) (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/arm/t-symbian (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA): Remove. * config/arm/t-wince-pe (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC) (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/avr/t-avr (LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE, TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/bfin/t-bfin-elf (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/bfin/t-bfin-linux: Likewise. * config/bfin/t-bfin-uclinux: Likewise. * config/c6x/eqd.c, config/c6x/eqf.c, config/c6x/ged.c, config/c6x/gef.c, config/c6x/gtd.c, config/c6x/gtf.c, config/c6x/led.c, config/c6x/lef.c, config/c6x/ltd.c, config/c6x/ltf.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/c6x. * config/c6x/t-c6x-elf (LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA): Remove. * config/c6x/t-c6x-uclinux (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/cris/arit.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/cris. * config/cris/cris_abi_symbol.c: Remove. * config/cris/cris.h: Remove obsolete comment. * config/cris/mulsi3.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/cris/mulsi3.S. * config/cris/t-cris (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA, CRIS_LIB1CSRC) ($(LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA)): Remove. * config/cris/t-elfmulti (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA, INSTALL_LIBGCC) (LIBGCC): Remove. * config/cris/t-linux (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/fr30/t-fr30: Remove. * config/frv/cmovd.c, config/frv/cmovh.c, config/frv/cmovw.c, config/frv/modi.c, config/frv/uitod.c, config/frv/uitof.c, config/frv/ulltod.c, config/frv/ulltof.c, config/frv/umodi.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/frv. * config/frv/t-frv (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA, TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (cmovh.c, cmovw.c, cmovd.c, modi.c, umodi.c, uitof.c, uitod.c) (ulltof.c, LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/frv/t-linux (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/h8300/clzhi2.c, config/h8300/ctzhi2.c, config/h8300/fixunssfsi.c, config/h8300/parityhi2.c, config/h8300/popcounthi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/h8300. * config/h8300/t-h8300 (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA, TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/i386/gthr-win32.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/i386. * config/i386/t-cygming (LIBGCC2_INCLUDES): Remove. * config/i386/t-cygwin: Remove. * config/i386/t-darwin (LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA) (LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE): Remove. * config/i386/t-darwin64 (LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA) (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/i386/t-gthr-win32: Move to ../libgcc/config/i386. * config/i386/t-linux64 (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/i386/t-mingw-w32: Likewise. * config/i386/t-mingw-w64: Likewise. * config/i386/t-openbsd: Likewise. * config/i386/t-nto: Remove. * config/ia64/quadlib.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/ia64. * config/ia64/t-hpux (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA) (quadlib.c): Remove. * config/ia64/t-ia64: Remove comment. * config/iq2000/lib2extra-funcs.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/iq2000/lib2funcs.c. * config/iq2000/t-iq2000: Remove. * config/m32c/m32c-lib2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/m32c/lib2funcs.c. * config/m32c/m32c-lib2-trapv.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/m32c/trapv.c. * config/m32r/t-linux (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/m32c/t-m32c (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA): Remove. * config/m32r/t-m32r (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC) (INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/m68k/fpgnulib.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/m68k. * config/m68k/t-floatlib: Remove. * config/m68k/t-mlibs (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/mcore/t-mcore (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. Fix typo. (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/mep/mep-lib2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/mep/lib2funcs.c. * config/mep/mep-tramp.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/mep/tramp.c. * config/mep/t-mep (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA): Remove. * config/mips/t-elf (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC) (INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/mips/t-isa3264: Likewise. * config/mips/t-mips (LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS): Remove. * config/mips/t-r3900 (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC) (INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/mips/t-sde (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/mips/t-sr71k (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC) (INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/mips/t-vr (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA): Remove. * config/mips/vr4120-div.S: Move to ../libgcc/config/mips. * config/mmix/t-mmix (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/mn10300/t-mn10300 (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/pa/fptr.c, config/pa/linux-atomic.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/pa. * config/pa/lib2funcs.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/pa/lib2funcs.S. * config/pa/quadlib.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/pa. * config/pa/t-dce-thr (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/pa/t-linux, config/pa/t-linux64: Remove. * config/pa/t-pa-hpux, config/pa/t-pa-hpux10, config/pa/t-pa-hpux11, config/pa/t-pa64: Remove. * config/pdp11/t-pdp11 (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA): Remove. * config/picochip/libgccExtras: Move to ../libgcc/config/picochip. * config/picochip/t-picochip (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA, RANLIB_FOR_TARGET) (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/rs6000/crtresfpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/crtresfpr.S. * config/rs6000/crtresgpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/crtresgpr.S. * config/rs6000/crtresxfpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/crtresxfpr.S. * config/rs6000/crtresxgpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/crtresxgpr.S. * config/rs6000/crtsavfpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/crtsavfpr.S. * config/rs6000/crtsavgpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/crtsavgpr.S. * config/rs6000/darwin-asm.h: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000. * config/rs6000/darwin-fpsave.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/darwin-fpsave.S. * config/rs6000/darwin-gpsave.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/darwin-gpsave.S. * config/rs6000/darwin-tramp.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/darwin-tramp.S. * config/rs6000/darwin-vecsave.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/darwin-vecsave.S. * config/rs6000/darwin-world.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/darwin-world.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtres32gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtres32gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtres64gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtres64gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtres64gprctr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtres64gprctr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtrest32gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtrest32gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtrest64gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtrest64gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtresx32gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtresx32gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtresx64gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtresx64gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtsav32gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtsav32gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtsav64gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtsav64gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtsav64gprctr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtsav64gprctr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtsavg32gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtsavg32gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtsavg64gpr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtsavg64gpr.S. * config/rs6000/e500crtsavg64gprctr.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/e500crtsavg64gprctr.S. * config/rs6000/eabi.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/eabi.S. * config/rs6000/t-aix43 (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC, LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA) (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-aix52: Likewise. * config/rs6000/t-darwin: Remove. * config/rs6000/t-darwin64 (LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS) (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-fprules (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-linux64 (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-lynx (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA, tramp.S, LIBGCC) (INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-netbsd (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA) (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA, tramp.S, crtsavfpr.S, crtresfpr.S) (crtsavgpr.S, crtresgpr.S, crtresxfpr.S, crtresxgpr.S, LIBGCC) (INSTALL_LIBGCC, $(T)crtsavfpr$(objext), $(T)crtresfpr$(objext)) (($(T)crtsavgpr$(objext), $(T)crtresgpr$(objext), $(T)crtresxfpr$(objext), $(T)crtresxgpr$(objext)): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-ppccomm (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA) (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA, eabi.S, tramp.S): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-spe (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/rs6000/t-vxworks: Remove comment. * config/rs6000/tramp.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/rs6000/tramp.S. * config/rx/t-rx (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/sh/linux-atomic.asm: Move to ../libgcc/config/sh/linux-atomic.S. * config/sh/t-linux (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA): Remove. * config/sh/t-netbsd: Remove. * config/sh/t-sh (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/sparc/t-elf (LIBGCC, INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/sparc/t-leon: Likewise. * config/sparc/t-leon3: Likewise. * config/sparc/t-linux64: Likewise. * config/sparc/t-netbsd64: Fix typo. Remove comment. * config/spu/divmodti4.c, config/spu/divv2df3.c, config/spu/float_disf.c, config/spu/float_unsdidf.c, config/spu/float_unsdisf.c, config/spu/float_unssidf.c, config/spu/mfc_multi_tag_release.c, config/spu/mfc_multi_tag_reserve.c, config/spu/mfc_tag_release.c, config/spu/mfc_tag_reserve.c, config/spu/mfc_tag_table.c, config/spu/multi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/spu. * config/spu/t-spu-elf (TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE) (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA, LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS, LIBGCC) (INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/lib2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-ashlsi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/ashlsi3.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-ashrsi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/ashrsi3.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-clzhi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/clzhi2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-cmpsi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/cmpsi2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-ctzhi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/ctzhi2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-divsi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/divsi3.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-ffshi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/ffshi2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-lshrsi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/lshrsi3.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-modsi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/modsi3.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-parityhi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/parityhi2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-popcounthi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/popcounthi2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-ucmpsi2.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/ucmpsi2.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-udivmodsi4.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/udivmodsi4.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-udivsi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/udivsi3.c. * config/stormy16/stormy16-lib2-umodsi3.c: Move to ../libgcc/config/stormy16/umodsi3.c. * config/stormy16/t-stormy16: Move to ../libgcc/config/t-stormy16. * config/v850/t-v850 (INSTALL_LIBGCC): Remove. * config/xtensa/lib2funcs.S: Move to ../libgcc/config/xtensa. * config/xtensa/t-elf: Remove. * config/xtensa/t-xtensa (LIB2FUNCS_EXTRA): Remove. * config.gcc (*-*-freebsd*): Remove t-freebsd, t-freebsd-thread from tmake_file. (*-*-linux*, frv-*-*linux*, *-*-kfreebsd*-gnu, *-*-knetbsd*-gnu, *-*-gnu*, *-*-kopensolaris*-gnu): Remove t-linux from tmake_file. (*-*-netbsd*): Remove t-libgcc-pic from tmake_file. (*-*-openbsd*): Likewise. Remove t-openbsd-thread for posix threads. (alpha*-*-linux*): Remove alpha/t-alpha, alpha/t-ieee from tmake_file. (alpha*-*-freebsd*): Likewise. (alpha*-*-netbsd*): Likewise. (alpha*-*-openbsd*): Likewise. (alpha64-dec-*vms*): Likewise. (alpha*-dec-*vms*): Likewise. (arm*-*-netbsdelf*): Remove arm/t-netbsd from tmake_file. (arm*-*-linux*): Remove t-linux from tmake_file. Remove arm/t-bpabi from tmake_file for arm*-*-linux-*eabi. (arm*-*-uclinux*): Remove arm/t-bpabi from tmake_file for arm*-*-uclinux*eabi. (arm*-*-eabi*, arm*-*-symbianelf* ): Remove arm/t-bpabi from tmake_file for arm*-*-eabi*. (fr30-*-elf): Remove tmake_file. (hppa*64*-*-linux*): Remove tmake_file. (hppa*-*-linux*): Likewise. (hppa[12]*-*-hpux10*): Remove pa/t-pa-hpux10, pa/t-pa-hpux from tmake_file. (hppa*64*-*-hpux11*): Remove pa/t-pa64, pa/t-pa-hpux from tmake_file. (hppa[12]*-*-hpux11*): Remove pa/t-pa-hpux11, pa/t-pa-hpux from tmake_file. (i[34567]86-*-elf*): Remove tmake_file. (x86_64-*-elf*): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-nto-qnx*): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-cygwin*): Remove i386/t-cygwin from tmake_file. (i[34567]86-*-mingw*, x86_64-*-mingw*): Remove i386/t-gthr-win32 from tmake_file if using win32 threads. (iq2000*-*-elf*): Remove tmake-file. (microblaze*-linux*): Likewise. (sh-*-elf*, sh[12346l]*-*-elf*, sh-*-linux*) (sh[2346lbe]*-*-linux*, sh-*-netbsdelf*, shl*-*-netbsdelf*) (sh5-*-netbsd*, sh5l*-*-netbsd*, sh64-*-netbsd*) (sh64l*-*-netbsd*): Remove sh/t-netbsd from tmake_file for sh5*-*-netbsd*, sh64*-netbsd*, *-*-netbsd. (xtensa*-*-elf*): Remove tmake_file. gcc/po: * EXCLUDES (config/vxlib.c, gbl-ctors.h, libgcc2.c, libgcc2.h) (longlong.h): Remove. libgcc: * configure.ac: Include ../config/picflag.m4. (GCC_PICFLAG): Call it. Substitute. * configure: Regenerate. * Makefile.in (gcc_srcdir): Remove. (LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS, LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIBGCC2_INCLUDES) (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, PICFLAG, LIB2FUNCS_ST, LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE) (LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS, LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST): Set. ($(lib2funcs-o), $(lib2funcs-s-o), $(lib2-divmod-o)) ($(lib2-divmod-s-o)): Use $(srcdir) to refer to libgcc2.c. Use $<. Remove comment. * libgcc2.c, libgcc2.h, gbl-ctors.h, longlong.h: New files. * siditi-object.mk ($o$(objext), $(o)_s$(objext)): Use $(srcdir) to refer to libgcc2.c. Use $<. * config/darwin-64.c: New file. * config/darwin-crt3.c: Remove comment. * config/divmod.c, config/floatunsidf.c, config/floatunsisf.c, config/floatunsitf.c, config/floatunsixf.c, config/udivmod.c, config/udivmodsi4.c: New files. * config/memcmp.c, config/memcpy.c, config/memmove.c, config/memset.c: New files. * config/t-crtstuff-pic (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS_S): Use $(PICFLAG). * config/t-darwin (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/t-freebsd-thread, config/t-libgcc-pic: New files. * config/t-libunwind (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/t-openbsd-thread: New file. * config/t-sol2 (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/t-vxworks, config/vxlib-tls.c, config/vxlib.c: New files. * config/alpha/gthr-posix.c, config/alpha/qrnnd.S: New files. * config/alpha/t-alpha (LIB2ADD): Use $(srcdir) to refer to qrnnd.S. Adapt filename. * config/alpha/t-osf-pthread (LIB2ADD): Use $(srcdir)/config/alpha to refer to gthr-posix.c. * config/alpha/t-vms (LIB2ADD): Set. * config/alpha/vms-gcc_shell_handler.c: New file. * config/arm/bpabi.c, config/arm/fp16.c, config/arm/linux-atomic.c, config/arm/linux-atomic-64bit.c, config/arm/unaligned-funcs.c: New files. * config/arm/t-bpabi (LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST): Set. * config/arm/t-elf (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/arm/t-linux: Likewise. * config/arm/t-linux-eabi (LIB2ADD_ST): Add. * config/arm/t-netbsd: New file. * config/arm/t-strongarm-elf (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/arm/t-symbian (LIB2ADD_ST): Set. * config/avr/t-avr (LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE, HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/bfin/t-crtstuff (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG). * config/bfin/t-elf: New file. * config/c6x/eqd.c, config/c6x/eqf.c, config/c6x/ged.c, config/c6x/gef.c, config/c6x/gtd.c, config/c6x/gtf.c, config/c6x/led.c, config/c6x/lef.c, config/c6x/ltd.c, config/c6x/ltf.c: New files. * config/c6x/t-elf (LIB2FUNCS_EXCLUDE, LIB2ADD) (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/c6x/t-uclinux (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG). * config/cris/arit.c, config/cris/mulsi3.S, config/cris/t-cris: New files. * config/cris/t-elfmulti (LIB2ADD_ST): Set. * config/cris/t-linux (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Remove. * config/frv/cmovd.c, config/frv/cmovh.c, config/frv/cmovw.c, config/frv/modi.c, config/frv/uitod.c, config/frv/uitof.c, config/frv/ulltod.c, config/frv/ulltof.c, config/frv/umodi.c: New files. * config/frv/t-frv (LIB2ADD): Set. * config/frv/t-linux (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG). * config/h8300/clzhi2.c, config/h8300/ctzhi2.c, config/h8300/fixunssfsi.c, config/h8300/parityhi2.c, config/h8300/popcounthi2.c: New files. * config/h8300/t-h8300 (LIB2ADD, HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/i386/gthr-win32.c: New file. * config/i386/t-cygming (LIBGCC2_INCLUDES): Set. * config/i386/t-cygwin: Likewise. * config/i386/t-darwin, config/i386/t-darwin64, config/i386/t-gthr-win32, config/i386/t-interix: New files. * config/i386/t-nto (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG). * config/i386/t-sol2 (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG). * config/ia64/quadlib.c: New file. * config/ia64/t-hpux (LIB2ADD): Set. * config/ia64/t-ia64: Add comment. * config/iq2000/lib2funcs.c, config/iq2000/t-iq2000: New files. * config/lm32/t-uclinux (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG). (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Append, remove -fPIC. * config/m32c/lib2funcs.c, config/m32c/trapv.c: New files. * config/m32c/t-m32c (LIB2ADD): Set. * config/m32r/t-linux (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/m32r/t-m32r: Likewise. * config/m68k/fpgnulib.c: New file. * config/m68k/t-floatlib (LIB2ADD): Set. (xfgnulib.c): New target. * config/mcore/t-mcore (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/mep/lib2funcs.c, config/mep/tramp.c: New files. * config/mep/t-mep (LIB2ADD): Set. * config/microblaze/divsi3.asm: Rename to divsi3.S. * config/microblaze/moddi3.asm: Rename to moddi3.S. * config/microblaze/modsi3.asm: Rename to modsi3.S. * config/microblaze/muldi3_hard.asm: Rename to hard.S. * config/microblaze/mulsi3.asm: Rename to mulsi3.S. * config/microblaze/stack_overflow_exit.asm: Rename to exit.S. * config/microblaze/udivsi3.asm: Rename to udivsi3.S. * config/microblaze/umodsi3.asm: Rename to umodsi3.S. * config/microblaze/t-microblaze (LIB2ADD): Reflect this. * config/mips/t-elf, config/mips/t-vr, config/mips/vr4120-div.S: New files. * config/mips/t-mips (LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS): Set. * config/mmix/t-mmix (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/pa/fptr.c, config/pa/lib2funcs.S, config/pa/linux-atomic.c, config/pa/quadlib.c: New files. * config/pa/t-linux (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. (LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST): Set. * config/pa/t-hpux, config/pa/t-hpux10, config/pa/t-pa64: New files. * config/pa/t-linux (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS, LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST): Set. * config/pa/t-linux64 (LIB2ADD_ST, HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/pdp11/t-pdp11: New file. * config/picochip/libgccExtras/adddi3.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/ashlsi3.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/ashrsi3.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/clzsi2.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/cmpsi2.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/divmod15.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/divmodhi4.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/divmodsi4.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/lshrsi3.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/parityhi2.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/popcounthi2.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/subdi3.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/ucmpsi2.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/udivmodhi4.S, config/picochip/libgccExtras/udivmodsi4.S: New files. * config/picochip/t-picochip (LIB2ADD, HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS) (LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS, RANLIB_FOR_TARGET): Set. * config/rs6000/crtresfpr.S, config/rs6000/crtresgpr.S, config/rs6000/crtresxfpr.S, config/rs6000/crtresxgpr.S, config/rs6000/crtsavfpr.S, config/rs6000/crtsavgpr.S) config/rs6000/darwin-asm.h, config/rs6000/darwin-fpsave.S, config/rs6000/darwin-gpsave.S, config/rs6000/darwin-tramp.S, config/rs6000/darwin-vecsave.S, config/rs6000/darwin-world.S: New files. * config/rs6000/t-darwin (LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST) (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/rs6000/t-darwin64: New file. * config/rs6000/t-linux64 (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/rs6000/t-lynx, config/rs6000/t-netbsd: New files. * config/rs6000/t-ppccomm (LIB2ADD): Add $(srcdir)/config/rs6000/tramp.S. (LIB2ADD_ST): Use $(srcdir)/config/rs6000 to refer to sources. Add $(srcdir)/config/rs6000/eabi.S. (crtsavfpr.S, crtresfpr.S, crtsavgpr.S, crtresgpr.S, crtresxfpr.S) (crtresxgpr.S, e500crtres32gpr.S, e500crtres64gpr.S) (e500crtres64gprctr.S, e500crtrest32gpr.S, e500crtrest64gpr.S) (e500crtresx32gpr.S, e500crtresx64gpr.S, e500crtsav32gpr.S) (e500crtsav64gpr.S, e500crtsav64gprctr.S, e500crtsavg32gpr.S) (e500crtsavg64gpr.S, e500crtsavg64gprctr.S): Remove. * config/rs6000/tramp.S: New file. * config/s390/t-tpf: Remove. * config/sh/linux-atomic.S: New file. * config/sh/t-linux (LIB2ADD): Set. (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Append, remove -fpic. * config/sh/t-netbsd (LIB2ADD, HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/sh/t-sh (unwind-dw2-Os-4-200.o): Use $(srcdir) to refer to unwind-dw2.c. (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/sparc/t-sol2 (CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG). * config/spu/divmodti4.c, config/spu/divv2df3.c, config/spu/float_disf.c, config/spu/float_unsdidf.c, config/spu/float_unsdisf.c, config/spu/float_unssidf.c, config/spu/mfc_multi_tag_release.c, config/spu/mfc_multi_tag_reserve.c, config/spu/mfc_tag_release.c, config/spu/mfc_tag_reserve.c, config/spu/mfc_tag_table.c, config/spu/multi3.c: New files. * config/spu/t-elf (LIB2ADD, LIB2ADD_ST, LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS) (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/stormy16/ashlsi3.c, config/stormy16/ashrsi3.c, config/stormy16/clzhi2.c, config/stormy16/cmpsi2.c, config/stormy16/ctzhi2.c, config/stormy16/divsi3.c, config/stormy16/ffshi2.c, config/stormy16/lib2.c, config/stormy16/lshrsi3.c, config/stormy16/modsi3.c, config/stormy16/parityhi2.c, config/stormy16/popcounthi2.c, config/stormy16/t-stormy16, config/stormy16/ucmpsi2.c, config/stormy16/udivmodsi4.c, config/stormy16/udivsi3.c, config/stormy16/umodsi3.c: New files. * config/xtensa/lib2funcs.S: New file. * config/xtensa/t-elf (HOST_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Set. * config/xtensa/t-xtensa (LIB2ADD): Set. * config.host (*-*-darwin*): Add t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (*-*-freebsd*): Add t-freebsd, t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. Add t-freebsd-thread to tmake_file for posix threads. (*-*-linux*, frv-*-*linux*, *-*-kfreebsd*-gnu, *-*-knetbsd*-gnu) (*-*-gnu*, *-*-kopensolaris*-gnu): Add t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (*-*-lynxos*): Likewise. (*-*-netbsd*): Likewise. (*-*-openbsd*): Likewise. Add t-openbsd-thread to tmake_file for posix threads. (*-*-solaris2*): Add t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (*-*-vxworks*): Set tmake_file. (alpha*-*-linux*): Add alpha/t-alpha, alpha/t-ieee to tmake_file. (alpha*-*-freebsd*): Likewise. (alpha*-*-netbsd*): Likewise. (alpha*-*-openbsd*): Likewise. (alpha*-dec-osf5.1*): Remove qrnnd.o, gthr-posix.o from extra_parts. (alpha64-dec-*vms*): Add alpha/t-alpha, alpha/t-ieee to tmake_file. (alpha*-dec-*vms*): Likewise. (arm*-*-netbsdelf*): Add arm/t-netbsd to tmake_file. (bfin*-elf*): Add bfin/t-elf to tmake_file. (bfin*-uclinux*): Likewise. (bfin*-linux-uclibc*): Likewise. (crisv32-*-elf): Add cris/t-cris to tmake_file. (crisv32-*-none): Likewise. (cris-*-elf): Likewise. (cris-*-none): Likewise. (cris-*-linux*, crisv32-*-linux*): Likewise. (hppa[12]*-*-hpux10*): Add pa/t-hpux pa/t-hpux10, t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (hppa*64*-*-hpux11*): Add pa/t-hpux, pa/t-pa64, t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (hppa[12]*-*-hpux11*): Add pa/t-hpux, t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (i[34567]86-*-elf*): Add t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (x86_64-*-elf*): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-nto-qnx*): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-mingw*): Add i386/t-gthr-win32 to tmake_file for win32 threads. (x86_64-*-mingw*): Likewise. (i[34567]86-*-interix3*): Add i386/t-interix to tmake_file. (lm32-*-uclinux*): Add t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (mipsisa32-*-elf*, mipsisa32el-*-elf*, mipsisa32r2-*-elf*) (mipsisa32r2el-*-elf*, mipsisa64-*-elf*, mipsisa64el-*-elf*) (mipsisa64r2-*-elf*, mipsisa64r2el-*-elf*): Add mips/t-elf to tmake_file. (mipsisa64sr71k-*-elf*): Likewise. (mipsisa64sb1-*-elf*, mipsisa64sb1el-*-elf*): Likewise. (mips-*-elf*, mipsel-*-elf*): Likewise. (mips64-*-elf*, mips64el-*-elf*): Likewise. (mips64orion-*-elf*, mips64orionel-*-elf*): Likewise. (mips*-*-rtems*): Likewise. (mips64vr-*-elf*, mips64vrel-*-elf*): Add mips/t-elf, mips/t-vr to tmake_file. (pdp11-*-*): Add pdp11/t-pdp11 to tmake_file. (powerpc64-*-darwin*): Add rs6000/t-darwin64 to tmake_file. (s390x-ibm-tpf*): Add t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. (spu-*-elf*): Likewise. (tic6x-*-uclinux): Add t-libgcc-pic to tmake_file. libquadmath: * printf/gmp-impl.h: Adapt path to longlong.h. From-SVN: r180774
- Jun 21, 2011
Bernd Schmidt authored
libgcc/ * Makefile.in (lib2funcs): Add _clrsbsi2 and _clrsbdi2. * libgcc-std.ver.in (GCC_4.7.0): New section. gcc/ * doc/extend.texi (__builtin_clrsb, __builtin_clrsbl, __builtin_clrsbll): Document. * doc/rtl.texi (clrsb): New entry. * optabs.c (widen_leading): Renamed from widen_clz. New argument UNOPTAB. All callers changed. Use UNOPTAB instead of clz_optab. (expand_unop): Handle clrsb_optab. (init_optabs): Initialize it. * optabs.h (enum optab_index): New entry OTI_clrsb. (clrsb_optab): Define. * genopinit.c (optabs): Add an entry for it. * builtins.c (expand_builtin): Handle clrsb builtin functions. * builtins.def (BUILT_IN_CLRSB, BUILT_IN_CLRSBIMAX, BUILT_IN_CLRSBL, BUILT_IN_CLRSBLL): New. * rtl.def (CLRSB): New code. * dwarf2out.c (mem_loc_descriptor): Handle it. * simplify-rtx.c (simplify_const_unary_operation): Likewise. Use op_mode rather than mode when optimizing ffs, clz, ctz, parity and popcount. * libgcc2.c (__clrsbSI2, __clrsbDI2): New functions. * libgcc2.h (__clrsbSI2, __clrsbDI2): Define and declare. (__ctzDI2): Move declaration. * config/bfin/bfin.md (clrsbsi2): New expander. (signbitssi2): Use the CLRSB rtx. (clrsbhi2): Renamed from signbitshi2. Use the CLRSB rtx. * config/bfin/bfin.c (bdesc_1arg): Changed accordingly. gcc/testsuite/ * gcc.c-torture/excute/builtin-bitops-1.c (MAKE_FUNS): Make my_clrsb test functions. (main): Test clrsb. * gcc.dg/builtin-protos-1.c (test_s, test_u, test_sl, test_ul, test_sll, test_ull): Add clrsb tests. * gcc.dg/torture/builtin-attr-1.c: Add tests for clrsb, clrsbl, clrsbll. From-SVN: r175261
- Jun 09, 2011
Kai Tietz authored
2011-06-09 Kai Tietz <ktietz@redhat.com> * libgcc2.c (L_trampoline): Include windows.h for mingw targets. From-SVN: r174860
Rainer Orth authored
2011-05-29 Rainer Orth <ro@CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE> Joseph Myers <joseph@codesourcery.com> gcc: * config/alpha/netbsd.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/alpha/osf5.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/darwin.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/i386/mingw32.h (MINGW_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. [IN_LIBGCC2]: Don't include <windows.h>. * config/i386/netbsd-elf.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/i386/netbsd64.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/netbsd.h (NETBSD_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. * config/openbsd.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/sol2.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/sparc/freebsd.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/sparc/netbsd-elf.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. (HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Define. * config/alpha/alpha.c (alpha_trampoline_init): Test HAVE_ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK. * config/i386/i386.c (ix86_trampoline_init): Likewise. * config/sparc/sparc.c (sparc32_initialize_trampoline): Likewise. (sparc64_initialize_trampoline): Likewise. * libgcc2.c [L_enable_execute_stack]: Remove. * system.h (ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Poison. * doc/tm.texi.in (Trampolines, ENABLE_EXECUTE_STACK): Remove. * doc/tm.texi: Regenerate. * Makefile.in (LIBGCC2_CFLAGS): Add -fbuilding-libgcc. gcc/c-family: * c.opt (fbuilding-libgcc): New option. * c-cppbuiltin.c (c_cpp_builtins): Define __LIBGCC_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE__ if flag_building_libgcc. libgcc: * enable-execute-stack-empty.c: New file. * enable-execute-stack-mprotect.c: New file. * config/i386/enable-execute-stack-mingw32.c: New file. * config.host (enable_execute_stack): New variable. Select appropriate variants. * configure.ac: Link enable-execute-stack.c to $enable_execute_stack. * configure: Regenerate. * Makefile.in (LIB2ADD): Add enable-execute-stack.c. (lib2funcs): Remove _enable_execute_stack. Co-Authored-By:
Joseph Myers <joseph@codesourcery.com> From-SVN: r174843
- Mar 23, 2011
Nathan Froyd authored
* libgcc2.c (__lshrdi3, __ashldi3, __ashrdi3): Use W_TYPE_SIZE. (__ffsDI2): Likewise. From-SVN: r171338