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[+ ELSE install +]
install-[+module+]: installdirs
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	(cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \
	  $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) [+extra_make_flags+] install)
[+ ENDIF no_install +]
# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.)
[+ FOR recursive_targets +]
.PHONY: maybe-[+make_target+]-[+module+] [+make_target+]-[+module+]
@if [+module+]
maybe-[+make_target+]-[+module+]: [+make_target+]-[+module+]
[+ IF (match-value? = "missing" (get "make_target") ) +]
# [+module+] doesn't support [+make_target+].
[+ ELSE +]
[+make_target+]-[+module+]: [+
  FOR depend +]\
    [+depend+]-[+module+] [+
  ENDFOR depend +]
	@[+ IF bootstrap +][+ ELSE +]: $(MAKE); $(unstage)
	@[+ ENDIF bootstrap +][ -f ./[+module+]/Makefile ] || exit 0; \
	r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) [+extra_make_flags+]; do \
	  eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \
	done; \
	echo "Doing [+make_target+] in [+module+]" ; \
	(cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \
	  $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \
	          "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \
	          "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \
	          [+make_target+]) \
[+ ENDFOR host_modules +]

# ---------------------------------------
# Modules which run on the target machine
# ---------------------------------------
[+ FOR target_modules +]

[+ IF raw_cxx +]
[+ configure prefix="target-" subdir="$(TARGET_SUBDIR)"
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	     host_alias=(get "host" "${target_alias}")
	     target_alias=(get "target" "${target_alias}")
	     args="$(TARGET_CONFIGARGS)" no-config-site=true +]

[+ all prefix="target-" subdir="$(TARGET_SUBDIR)"
[+ ELSE +]
[+ configure prefix="target-" subdir="$(TARGET_SUBDIR)"
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	     host_alias=(get "host" "${target_alias}")
	     target_alias=(get "target" "${target_alias}")
	     args="$(TARGET_CONFIGARGS)" no-config-site=true +]

[+ all prefix="target-" subdir="$(TARGET_SUBDIR)"
       args="$(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS)" +]
[+ ENDIF +]

.PHONY: check-target-[+module+] maybe-check-target-[+module+]
@if target-[+module+]
maybe-check-target-[+module+]: check-target-[+module+]
[+ IF no_check +]
# Dummy target for uncheckable module.
[+ ELSE check +]
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \[+
IF raw_cxx +]
ELSE normal_cxx +]
ENDIF raw_cxx +]
	(cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \
	    IF raw_cxx 
	    ENDIF raw_cxx 
[+ ENDIF no_check +]
@endif target-[+module+]
.PHONY: install-target-[+module+] maybe-install-target-[+module+]
@if target-[+module+]
maybe-install-target-[+module+]: install-target-[+module+]
# Dummy target for uninstallable.
[+ ELSE install +]
install-target-[+module+]: installdirs
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \[+
IF raw_cxx +]
ELSE normal_cxx +]
ENDIF raw_cxx +]
	(cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \
	  $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) [+extra_make_flags+] install)
[+ ENDIF no_install +]
@endif target-[+module+]
# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.)
[+ FOR recursive_targets +]
.PHONY: maybe-[+make_target+]-target-[+module+] [+make_target+]-target-[+module+]
@if target-[+module+]
maybe-[+make_target+]-target-[+module+]: [+make_target+]-target-[+module+]
[+ IF (match-value? = "missing" (get "make_target") ) +]
# [+module+] doesn't support [+make_target+].
[+ ELSE +]
[+make_target+]-target-[+module+]: [+
  FOR depend +]\
    [+depend+]-target-[+module+] [+
  ENDFOR depend +]
	@[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+]/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \
	r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \[+
IF raw_cxx +]
ELSE normal_cxx +]
ENDIF raw_cxx +]
	echo "Doing [+make_target+] in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+]" ; \
	for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \
	  eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \
	done; \
	(cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \
	  $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \
	          "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \
	          "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \
@endif target-[+module+]
[+ ENDFOR target_modules +]
# ----------
# GCC module
# ----------
@if gcc-no-bootstrap
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.PHONY: cross
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cross: all-build all-gas all-ld
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
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	echo "Building the C and C++ compiler"; \
	cd gcc && $(MAKE) $(GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS) LANGUAGES="c c++"
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}` ; export s; \
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	echo "Building runtime libraries"; \
@endif gcc-no-bootstrap
.PHONY: check-gcc-c++
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	@if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ] ; then \
	  r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	  s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	  (cd gcc && $(MAKE) $(GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS) check-c++); \
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	else \
	  true; \
check-c++: check-target-libstdc++-v3 check-gcc-c++
# Install the gcc headers files, but not the fixed include files,
# which Cygnus is not allowed to distribute.  This rule is very
# dependent on the workings of the gcc
.PHONY: gcc-no-fixedincludes
	@if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ]; then \
	  rm -rf gcc/tmp-include; \
	  mv gcc/include gcc/tmp-include 2>/dev/null; \
	  mkdir gcc/include; \
	  cp $(srcdir)/gcc/gsyslimits.h gcc/include/syslimits.h; \
	  touch gcc/stmp-fixinc gcc/include/fixed; \
	  rm -f gcc/stmp-headers gcc/stmp-int-hdrs; \
	  r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	  s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}` ; export s; \
	   $(MAKE) $(GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install); \
	  rm -rf gcc/include; \
	  mv gcc/tmp-include gcc/include 2>/dev/null; \
	else true; fi
# ---------------------
# GCC bootstrap support
# ---------------------

# We track the current stage (the one in 'gcc') in the stage_current file.
# stage_last instead tracks the stage that was built last.  These targets
# are dummy when toplevel bootstrap is not active.

# While making host and target tools, symlinks to the final stage must be
# there, so $(unstage) should be run at various points.  To avoid excessive
# recursive invocations of make, we "inline" them using a variable.  These
# must be referenced as ": $(MAKE) ; $(unstage)" rather than "$(unstage)"
# to avoid warnings from the GNU Make job server.
@if gcc-bootstrap
unstage = if [ -f stage_last ]; then [ -f stage_current ] || $(MAKE) `cat stage_last`-start || exit 1; else :; fi
stage = if [ -f stage_current ]; then $(MAKE) `cat stage_current`-end || exit 1; else :; fi
current_stage = "`cat stage_current 2> /dev/null`"
@endif gcc-bootstrap

.PHONY: unstage stage
# Disable commands for lean bootstrap.
LEAN = false

# We name the build directories for the various stages "stage1-gcc",
# "stage2-gcc","stage3-gcc", etc.

# Since the 'compare' process will fail (on debugging information) if any
# directory names are different, we need to link the gcc directory for
# the previous stage to a constant name ('prev-gcc'), and to make the name of
# the build directories constant as well. For the latter, we use naked names
# like 'gcc', because the scripts in that directory assume it.  We use
# mv on platforms where symlinks to directories do not work or are not
# reliable.

# 'touch' doesn't work right on some platforms.
STAMP = echo timestamp > 

# We only want to compare .o files, so set this!
objext = .o
[+ FOR bootstrap-stage +]
.PHONY: stage[+id+]-start stage[+id+]-end
	echo stage[+id+] > stage_current ; \
	echo stage[+id+] > stage_last; \
	$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)[+
   FOR host_modules +][+ IF bootstrap +]
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@if [+ module +]
	@cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage[+id+]-[+module+] ] || \
	  mkdir stage[+id+]-[+module+]; \
	mv stage[+id+]-[+module+] [+module+] [+ IF prev +] ; \
	mv stage[+prev+]-[+module+] prev-[+module+] || test -f stage[+prev+]-lean [+ ENDIF prev +]
@endif [+ module +][+ ENDIF bootstrap +][+ ENDFOR host_modules +]
	@[ -d stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \
	  mkdir stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \
	mv stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) [+ IF prev +] ; \
	mv stage[+prev+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) || test -f stage[+prev+]-lean [+ ENDIF prev +]
stage[+id+]-end:: [+ FOR host_modules +][+ IF bootstrap +]
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@if [+ module +]
	@if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+] ; then \
	  cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv [+module+] stage[+id+]-[+module+] [+ IF prev +]; \
	  mv prev-[+module+] stage[+prev+]-[+module+] ; : [+ ENDIF prev +] ; \
@endif [+ module +][+ ENDIF bootstrap +][+ ENDFOR host_modules +]
	@if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \
	  mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) [+ IF prev +] ; \
	  mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage[+prev+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; : [+ ENDIF prev +] ; \
# Bubble a bug fix through all the stages up to stage [+id+].  They are
# remade, but not reconfigured.  The next stage (if any) will not be
# reconfigured as well.
.PHONY: stage[+id+]-bubble
stage[+id+]-bubble:: [+ IF prev +]stage[+prev+]-bubble[+ ENDIF +]
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	if test -f stage[+id+]-lean [+
	  IF prev +]|| test -f stage[+prev+]-lean [+ ENDIF prev +] ; then \
	  echo Skipping rebuild of stage[+id+] ; \
	else \
	  $(MAKE) stage[+id+]-start; \[+IF lean +]
	  if $(LEAN); then \
	    rm -rf stage[+lean+]-* ; \
	    $(STAMP) stage[+lean+]-lean ; \
	  fi; \[+ ENDIF lean +]
	  $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stage[+id+]; \
	$(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) [+compare-target+][+ ENDIF compare-target +]
.PHONY: all-stage[+id+] clean-stage[+id+]
do-clean: clean-stage[+id+]
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# FIXME: Will not need to be conditional when toplevel bootstrap is the
# only possibility, but now it conflicts with no-bootstrap rules
@if gcc-bootstrap
[+ IF compare-target +]
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	if test -f stage[+prev+]-lean; then \
	  echo Cannot compare object files as stage [+prev+] was deleted. ; \
	  exit 0 ; \
	fi; \
	echo Comparing stages [+prev+] and [+id+] ; \
	files=`find . -name "*$(objext)" -print` ; \
	cd .. ; \
	for file in $${files} ; do \
	  f1=$$r/stage[+prev+]-gcc/$$file; f2=$$r/stage[+id+]-gcc/$$file; \
	  $(do-[+compare-target+]) > /dev/null 2>&1; \
	  if test $$? -eq 1; then \
	    case $$file in \
	      ./cc*-checksum$(objext) | ./libgcc/* ) \
	        echo warning: $$file differs ;; \
	      *) \
	        echo $$file differs >> .bad_compare ;; \
	    esac ; \
	  fi ; \
	done ; \
	if [ -f .bad_compare ]; then \
	  echo "Bootstrap comparison failure!"; \
	  cat .bad_compare; \
	  exit 1; \
	else \
	  echo Comparison successful.; \
	$(STAMP) [+compare-target+][+ IF prev +]
	if $(LEAN); then \
	  rm -rf stage[+prev+]-*; \
	  $(STAMP) stage[+prev+]-lean; \
	fi[+ ENDIF prev +]
[+ ENDIF compare-target +]

[+ IF bootstrap-target +]
.PHONY: [+bootstrap-target+] [+bootstrap-target+]-lean
	echo stage[+id+] > stage_final
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	$(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) stage[+id+]-bubble
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	$(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-host all-target

	echo stage[+id+] > stage_final
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	$(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) LEAN=: stage[+id+]-bubble
	@: $(MAKE); $(unstage)
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	$(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-host all-target
[+ ENDIF bootstrap-target +]

# Rules to wipe a stage and all the following ones, also used for cleanstrap
[+ IF prev +]distclean-stage[+prev+]:: distclean-stage[+id+] [+ ENDIF prev +]
.PHONY: distclean-stage[+id+]
	@test "`cat stage_last`" != stage[+id+] || rm -f stage_last
	rm -rf stage[+id+]-* [+
	  IF compare-target +][+compare-target+] [+ ENDIF compare-target +]

[+ IF cleanstrap-target +]
.PHONY: [+cleanstrap-target+]
[+cleanstrap-target+]: do-distclean local-clean
	echo stage[+id+] > stage_final
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	$(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) stage[+id+]-bubble
	@: $(MAKE); $(unstage)
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	$(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-host all-target
[+ ENDIF cleanstrap-target +]
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@endif gcc-bootstrap

[+ ENDFOR bootstrap-stage +]
	$(MAKE) distclean-stagefeedback
	@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
	s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \
	for i in prev-*; do \
	  j=`echo $$i | sed s/^prev-//` ; \
	  cd $$r/$$i && \
	  { find . -type d | sort | sed 's,.*,$(SHELL) '"$$s"'/mkinstalldirs "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL) ; } && \
	  { find . -name '*.*da' | sed 's,.*,$(LN) -f "&" "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL) ; } ; \
@if gcc-bootstrap
do-distclean: distclean-stage1

# Provide a GCC build when we're building target libraries.  This does
# not work as a dependency, just as the minimum necessary to avoid errors.
	$(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) stage1-bubble
# Same as unstage, but not phony and defaulting to stage1-start.  We place
# it in the dependency so that for example `make -j3 all-gcc' works.
	@if test -f stage_last; then $(unstage); else $(MAKE) stage1-start; fi

.PHONY: restrap
	@: $(MAKE); $(stage)
	rm -rf stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) [+ FOR bootstrap-stage +][+ IF prev
	  +]stage[+id+]-* [+ ENDIF prev +][+ ENDFOR bootstrap-stage +]
@endif gcc-bootstrap
# --------------------------------------
# Dependencies between different modules
# --------------------------------------

# Generic dependencies for target modules on host stuff, especially gcc
@if gcc-bootstrap[+ FOR target_modules +][+ IF bootstrap
  +][+ FOR bootstrap_stage +]
configure-stage[+id+]-target-[+module+]: maybe-all-stage[+id+]-gcc[+
  ENDFOR +][+ ELSE bootstrap +]
configure-target-[+module+]: stage_last[+
  ENDIF bootstrap +][+ ENDFOR target_modules +]
@endif gcc-bootstrap

@if gcc-no-bootstrap[+ FOR target_modules +]
configure-target-[+module+]: maybe-all-gcc[+
  ENDFOR target_modules +]
# There are two types of dependencies here: 'hard' dependencies, where one
# module simply won't build without the other; and 'soft' dependencies, where
# if the depended-on module is missing, the depending module will do without
# or find a substitute somewhere (perhaps installed).  Soft dependencies
# are made here to depend on a 'maybe-' target.  If you're not sure,
# it's safer to use a soft dependency.

[+ ;; These Scheme functions build the bulk of the dependencies.
   ;; dep-target builds a string like "maybe-all-MODULE_KIND-gcc",
   ;; where "maybe-" is only included if HARD is true, and all-gcc
   ;; is taken from VAR-NAME.
   (define dep-target (lambda (module-kind var-name hard)
         (if hard "" "maybe-")
         (dep-subtarget var-name)
         (dep-module var-name)

   ;; make-dep builds a dependency from the MODULE and ON AutoGen vars.
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   (define make-dep (lambda (module-kind on-kind)
         (dep-target module-kind "module" #t) ": "
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         (dep-target on-kind "on" (exist? "hard")))))

   ;; dep-subtarget extracts everything up to the first dash in the given
   ;; AutoGen variable, for example it extracts "all-" out of "all-gcc".
   (define dep-subtarget (lambda (var-name)
      (substring (get var-name) 0 (+ 1 (string-index (get var-name) #\-)))))

   ;; dep-module extracts everything up to the first dash in the given
   ;; AutoGen variable, for example it extracts "gcc" out of "all-gcc".
   (define dep-module (lambda (var-name)
      (substring (get var-name) (+ 1 (string-index (get var-name) #\-)))))

   ;; dep-stage builds a string for the prefix of a bootstrap stage.
   (define dep-stage (lambda ()
	 (get "id")

   ;; dep-maybe is the same as the AutoGen expression "- hard 'maybe-'"
   ;; but is written in Scheme.
   (define dep-maybe (lambda ()
      (if (exist? "hard") "" "maybe-")))

   ;; dep-kind returns "normal" if the dependency is on an "install" target,
   ;; or if either module is not bootstrapped.  It returns "bootstrap" for
   ;; configure or build dependencies between bootstrapped modules; it returns
   ;; "prebootstrap" for configure or build dependencies of bootstrapped
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   ;; modules on a build module (e.g. all-gcc on all-build-bison).  All this
   ;; is only necessary for host modules.
   (define dep-kind (lambda ()
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      (if (and (hash-ref boot-modules (dep-module "module"))
	       (=* (dep-module "on") "build-"))
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	  (if (or (= (dep-subtarget "on") "install-")
		  (not (hash-ref boot-modules (dep-module "module")))
		  (not (hash-ref boot-modules (dep-module "on"))))
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   ;; We now build the hash table that is used by dep-kind.
   (define boot-modules (make-hash-table 113))

[+ FOR host_modules +][+
   (if (exist? "bootstrap")
       (hash-create-handle! boot-modules (get "module") #t))
   "" +][+ ENDFOR host_modules +]
[+ FOR target_modules +][+
   (if (exist? "bootstrap")
       (hash-create-handle! boot-modules (string-append "target-" (get "module")) #t))
   "" +][+ ENDFOR target_modules +]

# With all the machinery above in place, it is pretty easy to generate
# dependencies.  Host dependencies are a bit more complex because we have
# to check for bootstrap/prebootstrap dependencies.  To resolve
# prebootstrap dependencies, prebootstrap modules are gathered in
# a hash table.
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[+ FOR dependencies +][+ (make-dep "" "") +]
[+ CASE (dep-kind) +]
[+ == "prebootstrap"
     +][+ FOR bootstrap_stage +]
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[+ (make-dep (dep-stage) "") +][+
       ENDFOR bootstrap_stage +]
[+ == "bootstrap"
     +][+ FOR bootstrap_stage +]
[+ (make-dep (dep-stage) (dep-stage)) +][+
       ENDFOR bootstrap_stage +]
[+ ESAC +][+
ENDFOR dependencies +]

# Dependencies for target modules on other target modules are
# described by lang_env_dependencies; the defaults apply to anything
# not mentioned there.
   ;; Predicate for whether LANG was specified in lang_env_dependencies.
   (define lang-dep (lambda (lang)
      (hash-ref lang-env-deps (string-append (get "module") "-" lang))))

   ;; Build the hash table we will need.
   (define lang-env-deps (make-hash-table 7))
+][+ FOR lang_env_dependencies +][+
   (if (exist? "cxx")
       (hash-create-handle! lang-env-deps
	  (string-append (get "module") "-" "cxx") #t))

   (if (exist? "no_c")
       (hash-create-handle! lang-env-deps
	  (string-append (get "module") "-" "no_c") #t))

   (if (exist? "no_gcc")
       (hash-create-handle! lang-env-deps
	  (string-append (get "module") "-" "no_gcc") #t))
   "" +][+ ENDFOR lang_env_dependencies +]

@if gcc-bootstrap[+ FOR target_modules +][+ IF (not (lang-dep "no_gcc"))
  +][+ IF bootstrap +][+ FOR bootstrap_stage +]
configure-stage[+id+]-target-[+module+]: maybe-all-stage[+id+]-target-libgcc[+
  ENDFOR +][+ ENDIF bootstrap +][+ ENDIF +][+ ENDFOR target_modules +]
@endif gcc-bootstrap

@if gcc-no-bootstrap[+ FOR target_modules +][+ IF (not (lang-dep "no_gcc")) +]
configure-target-[+module+]: maybe-all-target-libgcc[+
  ENDIF +][+ ENDFOR target_modules +]
@endif gcc-no-bootstrap

[+ FOR target_modules +][+ IF (not (lang-dep "no_c")) +]
configure-target-[+module+]: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss[+
  ENDIF +][+ IF (lang-dep "cxx") +]
configure-target-[+module+]: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3[+
  ENDIF +]
[+ ENDFOR target_modules +]

configure-gdb: $(CONFIGURE_GDB_TK)
all-gdb: $(gdbnlmrequirements) $(GDB_TK)
install-gdb: $(INSTALL_GDB_TK)
# Serialization dependencies.  Host configures don't work well in parallel to
# each other, due to contention over config.cache.  Target configures and 
# build configures are similar.
# --------------------------------
# Regenerating top level configury
# --------------------------------
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# Rebuilding, using autogen.
$(srcdir)/ @MAINT@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.tpl $(srcdir)/Makefile.def
	cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOGEN) Makefile.def
# Rebuilding Makefile.
Makefile: $(srcdir)/ config.status

config.status: configure
	CONFIG_SHELL="$(SHELL)" $(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck
# Rebuilding configure.
$(srcdir)/configure: @MAINT@ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/config/acx.m4
	cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF)
# ------------------------------
# Special directives to GNU Make
# ------------------------------

# Don't pass command-line variables to submakes.

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# end of